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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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You can't waste time dealing with scum. Words of Akihiro Miwa

Do not think with your head.
If you think with your head, you will only be interested.
If you think only with your heart, you will easily become emotional,
You will regret it when your head cools down.
Where do you think?

In the world,
There are many people in the world who have suffered and gone through hell and suffering that they cannot tell anyone about.
But they are living strong and strong.
They are human beings.
You can do it too.
You just don't do it.

Do the kindness you want others to do for you,
You yourself can do it.
Kindness is like a sound,
It will come back to you.
In some cases, like a boomerang,
It may come back to you from an unexpected direction.

I'm almost in my twenties, I need to hurry if I want to change jobs!
I want to be married by the age of 30.
After 40, I'm already an old lady. ......
I am those preconceived notions and common sense,
I hate the idea of 'nebanaranu'.
No matter how old you are,
You can do whatever you want to do at that time.

I want to do something for you.
If you really feel that way, do nothing,
Sometimes the best thing to do is to stay out of the way.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing or get out of the way.

I don't want to waste my time dealing with scum,
"They're not doing me any harm in my life".
It is important to have the strength to say.
They can't hurt my life.

Just take action.
If this way doesn't work, then this way,
Think of a way to live.
As you do this, you will naturally increase the number of cards in your hand.
After all, life is all about experience and getting used to it.

Spend your money on 'things you can't see'.
Tangible things such as clothes and accessories,
quickly go out of fashion and lose their value,
They lose their value.
Skills, education, experience and knowledge, on the other hand, are invisible,
but they enrich you.

Age is just a number.
Nothing more, nothing less.
You don't need to worry about it.
And what's more, how can age stop you from doing the things you want to do?
It's complete nonsense.

It's like anything else,
The hardest part is getting into it.
But once you jump in,
The rest will happen.
First of all, there is action.

Painful, suffering, sadness, pain...
The hardest time for human beings,
What doesn't help is
negative emotions that only make a big fuss.
What helps is to be strong,
Reason switches in the opposite direction...
Calmly reason,
Only think about what to do next.

People in the world,
They don't pay that much attention to you.

If you are unsure, look in the mirror.
You will see yourself
You will see yourself continuing to live.
You have lived until now,
You have lived until now, and you will live long enough to do so in the future.

The most superfluous thing in life.
It is worrying.
I always tell people to think instead of worrying.
And yet you don't think, you stay troubled.
If something happened, why did it happen?
What should you have done to prevent it from happening?
Analyse it in your own way.
You can use it as a reference to prevent the same thing from happening again.

Whether you and he will last,
There is a criterion by which to judge whether you and he will last.
That's from him,
subtract sex and money.
Even if you don't have sex,
Even if he has no money,
If he is still attractive and you want to be with him,
If he is attractive and you want to be with him,
you will have a good relationship for a long time.

I got the job I wanted,
You are mistaken if you think that because you got the job you want, the rest of your days will be peaceful and happy.
It's the same with any job.
If you are happy with one thing,
There is an equal amount of suffering and sadness.

You just have to open up.
Just let things be what they are.
It doesn't matter how well you present yourself.
Even if these people don't think well of you,
You don't have to die.

If you don't work, you don't eat.
I'm a nobody, but isn't there someone nice?
Who is there?
It's fine to have high hopes and to be greedy,
Happiness can only be given to those who make an effort.

Wherever you live,
There are a lot of people who don't like you.
It's not paradise,
It can't be like living in paradise.
You live on Earth.
It's natural that there are people you don't like.

No one wants to help people who complain all the time.
No one wants to help them.
People who are straight and honest,
God will want to help them.
To receive God's covering fire,
You need to be qualified.

Akihiro Miwa (15 May 1935 - ), Japanese male singer. In 1952, he signed an exclusive contract as a singer with the chanson cafe Ginbari, and began selling his music as a singer of unknown nationality, age and gender. She became increasingly popular, and in 1957 sang a cover of the chanson 'Meké Meké' in Japanese, with a glamorous appearance. With her unisex fashion, which incorporated Genroku-era peasant costume into Western dress and lace shirts, and her good looks, which Yukio Mishima praised as "the beauty of the heavenly world", she was described by the mass media as "the most beautiful boy since Jinmu" and "Sister Boy", and took the world by storm.


最終更新日  2023年06月22日 08時20分20秒
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