みゅうにゃん お散歩日記


'From Holly, a little advice on life' At the young age of 26, it is perhaps a little unusual to start facing death.


https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2258236991039562&set=pcb.2258237321039529 'From Holly, a little advice on life' At the young age of 26, it is perhaps a little unusual to start facing death. This is because many people live their lives with their eyes closed to it. Every day passes as normal, as if it will go on forever. I used to imagine that one day I would grow old, get wrinkles and grey hair. I always thought, as many others do, of having a loving family with many children. But life is fleeting, precious and unpredictable. Living each day is a gift, not a given right. I am 27 years old. I don't want this life to end yet. I love my life and I am very happy. But I have no control over it anymore. I just want everyone not to worry too much about things that seem trivial and meaningless. And remember. In the end, we all have the same fate. So I want you to spend your time doing things that you feel are worthwhile and wonderful. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Be generous with the little things. Of course you will get frustrated, but don't let it drag you down. Try not to let such things have a negative impact on the lives of those around you. When you feel frustrated, go outside, take a deep breath and fill your lungs with fresh Australian air. Then look at the blue of the sky and the green of the trees. They are so beautiful. Think about it. Think how wonderful it is to be able to breathe. Maybe you got stuck in traffic today. Maybe you didn't sleep well because your darling baby was crying. Maybe your hairdresser cut your hair too short or the nails you just changed were chipped. Some people may not like your appearance. But those things are trivial. I can assure you that when you come to the end of your life, you will not think about those things. In the whole of life, these things really don't matter. My body is getting thinner and thinner with each passing day, but my wish is, I want to spend my birthday with my family just one more time I want to have Christmas just one more time I want to spend it with my partner just one more time. That's all I want. I just want just one more time. People complain about how hard the work was, how hard the exercises were, etc., but first of all, be thankful that your body works satisfactorily. That you are healthy, even if you are not in ideal shape. Your body functions, and that alone is a wonderful thing. Be careful not to overeat, exercise moderately and feed your body well with fresh food. And help each other. Give and give and give and give. There is nothing like the happiness that comes from giving to others. I wanted to do that more too. So many people have supported me since I became ill. It is something I can never repay very much. I will never forget that. It doesn't matter if you have money when you die. Instead of buying your own clothes, use the money to help someone else. No one cares if you wear the same clothes. Above all, it feels good to take someone you care about out to dinner or to give them a gift. In doing so, let them know that you care about them. When spending money on yourself, spend it on experiences, not things. Go to the beach, put your feet in the water, dig your toes in the sand and dip your face in the sea water. Feel nature. Try to just enjoy the moment instead of looking at your mobile screen all the time. Life is not about living through a screen or taking the perfect photo. Cherish the moments that are in your blood with your loved ones. Get up early, listen to the birds singing and watch the beautiful colours of the sunrise. Listen to music. Music is therapy. Hug your dog. Put down your mobile phone and talk to a friend. If you want to travel, do it. Work to live, don't live to work. Do what makes your heart happy. You can even eat cake. There is nothing to feel guilty about. If you don't want to do something, say you don't want to do it. You don't have to feel pressured to live what other people think is an ideal life. It is perfectly acceptable to want an ordinary life. Tell your loved ones that you love them and that you love them every day. And remember. If something is making you feel miserable Whatever it is - work, love, whatever it is... You have the power to change it. Have the courage to change it. You don't know how long you have left to live on this earth. Don't waste your time on such things. A lot of people say the same thing, but I don't think it could be more true. Anyway, this is life advice from one young woman. You can remember it or forget it, I don't care. One last thing, if you can, donate blood regularly. It is often overlooked, but one blood donation can save three lives. This is a very great power that every person has. Donating blood has allowed me to live one year longer. I will never forget the year I was able to spend with my loved ones. It was the most wonderful year of my life. So, until we meet again. Holly .............................. ......✨✨✨ Thanks for reading to the end 😭




