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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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A Message from Aum (The Divine Spirit of Universe)
【To My Loving Children of Earth】
~Show Your Power as God Itself~ 
Concerning the energy, there is the law of inertia on a direction.
The Earth people move towards the direction of ill thoughts, and the ill thoughts directed towards that direction now make Earth be bound to a dead dark, destructive future. Now Earth is going to be brought in the negative side of the principle of creation.
"Then, from the God's world towards the light, it was the bright Earth originally created as a member of the grand universe. In order to create a bright future of that Earth originally created as a prince of the solar system, a future vision of Earth as a star of God, as a planet of love, you have to switch the state of Earth towards the light, even if that means twisting the law of inertia, even if it means applying a load to the law.
The collective consciousnesses have straightforwardly advanced towards a negative direction, talking a long time.
However, instead of realizing that dark future of Earth, to get back the brighter future of the original mission of Earth, it needs the strong power of yours living there, being at the risk of their lives, as the positive trust towards the energy of light of love, as the whole God's star. I would like you to cooperate, to awaken the power of God's attribute to actualize your life and energy and vision as creativity.
You must not bring the future of Earth over into the bottomless pit of Hell, just as it is as the negative inertia. For that purpose, spiritual leaders of your world brought the great plan down, including this time rescue plan, and with the law of love and law of God, and they have been guided spiritually. They have been making efforts to fulfill their mission as children of God, all to the light, all to God, to make a bright future.
However, if it continues as it is, it will go in the negative direction. To prevent this, to go so far to shift the time, for the future of Earth, once more a calling has taken place. I have recognized this.
In order for you all to show your original power, be aware of it, and show the power of God, the heaven of your Earth descended this law. The law of love has not descended only to be learned, to be done for the academic purpose. They would never descend the divine law for that.
Aum (The Divine Spirit of Universe)
Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Prayer of Gaia” (Kindle)
AUM (The Divine Spirit of Universe)
Aum is the Creative God of the entire universe, where we all exist in.
The Divine Spirit of Universe, Aum is the energy of love filled in whole the universe and the Law of Love itself that rules the entire universe.
Everything existing in this universe is a part of the Divine Spirit Aum including both material and spiritual things. Being traced back to the origin of human beings, our spirits had been shared with the energy of love and created by the Divine Spirit Aum.
As the ancient Indian saying goes, "Tat Tvam Asi" ("That art thou" in English - unity with the Creative God), a sense of "Oneness" known as "All is United" in spiritualism indicates the spiritual awakening that we all are a part of the Divine Spirit Aum.
The Divine Spirit Aum is the energy entity united by "Yang" energy (Male Consciousness) and "Yin" energy (Female Consciousness).
Although it is expressed like a human in the spiritual messages, Aum is gender-neutral.
In other words, the Divine Spirit Aum is the father and the mother for all the existence including human beings.
Furthermore, the Divine Spirit Aum is connected with every single spirit fundamentally in this grand universe, and also has another aspect of huge Collective Consciousness.


最終更新日  2023年10月30日 07時05分02秒
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