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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…




【As a child of God, the principle of love is paramount.】
Do you understand what I am saying?
Some of you may understand and some of you may not, but I may be in the position of being called one of the seven archangels.
However, it is not because I have studied many difficult laws or because I have only engaged in friendly competition that I am in this position.
I always say, "I am not a person who is called to be a minister, but a person who is called to be a soul.
I always say, "The soul of Michael is nothing but the energy of gratitude to God.
I have been saying this for a long time.
My mission is just the energy of gratitude to God for letting me live.
What is gratitude?
If we are truly grateful to God for keeping us alive, then we should be grateful to the God of love who keeps us alive and want to return what we can do to the best of our ability, which is the original energy of gratitude.
What should we do about it?
God wants us to use our gratitude as a light of love to help the weakest, the most wounded, the most lost, and those who are still trying to grow, to help them grow, to help them progress, and to give back to them. I feel as if God is saying, "Michael, I want you to use your gratitude to return it as a light of love, to help us grow and progress.
That is why I have risked my life in my work until now.
I have been doing this work on and on since I first landed on this earth, since I first came down from Beelda.
And now, having finally entered this stage, having reached the stage where I can tell mankind that love is the very law of love in the universe, and that it is God Himself, I will finally purify hell with it.
We will rescue the former angels of light, the children of God, who are lost, and bring them back into the light once again.
It means returning them to their original state.
I am filled with a sense of deep emotion that we have finally reached that stage.
Please lend me your help in order for this to happen and for me to make this step forward.
Only by this means can we purify hell, and only by this means can we eliminate the spiritual realm of hell in the earthly realm.
Even if you drive away these evil thoughts by force, even if you extinguish them by force, it will not help.
As you have been told in the past, we are sending these spiritual messages from the 8th, 9th, and 7th dimensions on earth.
Everyone is listening to them carefully.
They are listening in the heavenly realms, and those in the underground are also listening.
And there are many lost souls here on earth.
There are many lost souls here on earth, many who have not been able to return to the heavenly realms, who have come and are listening around them.
And they are trying to learn.
This heavenly realm, earthly realm, and hell realm, all involved, will be purified even to the final hell by this spiritual word descending and this light descending directly to the earth, with this energy of love descending as a pillar.
We are now trying to create the spiritual foundation for the Great Renaissance Movement, in which this earth will be reborn and become a planet of love.
First of all, without a spiritual foundation, without a philosophy, there can be no subsequent organizational transformation.
If, at this time when we are able to bring down this philosophy overflowing with love, we are able to bring down to the earth a cosmic law that is a little more advanced, a little closer to God's original will, then in the course of time, those who are born after that will surely transform the earth itself into a planet of love, in the form of a united government. movement will occur.
In this way, it is easy to physically change the organization.
However, the most important thing is to change our society, which has been poisoned by materialism, science, and materialism, into one in which the principle of love is the highest priority as a child of God.
This is the most difficult part.
This is what both Jesus Christ and Immanuel were trying to do.
Archangel Michael
From "The Last Plan of Mankind"


最終更新日  2023年12月11日 07時05分03秒
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