みゅうにゃん お散歩日記


A Message from Aum (The Divine Spirit of Universe) 【To My Loving Children of Earth】 ~ You All Are Me and I Am You All~

オーム 宇宙神霊 Aum(132)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/BigBangofLove.eng/permalink/3538347083080214/?mibextid=uJjRxr A Message from Aum (The Divine Spirit of Universe) 【To My Loving Children of Earth】 ~ You All Are Me and I Am You All~ To my loving children of Earth, I have been waiting for the time to come when you would come up here and I could speak to you like this. I have created everything, I have been nurturing everything, and I have been loving everything. I am your father, Aum. You all are me, and I am all of you. You were created as children of God, but you are part of me. What I could do is what you all can do. But, if you do not have the same direction in your thought, the cell called Earth cannot take the new mission from now on. Though this voice is conveyed through this person (Amarie), this will is not emitting only to Earth, but it is the will being resonated all over Universe in which I am resident. I am conveying it by translating it into language. Up till now, you have been living unaware of who you have been truly. Then now, spiritually awakened, you have found out who you are. By being aware that you yourselves are children of God, now that you are really awakened mentally, the time has come to exhibit your own power as the energy for Earth to ascend to the next dimension, a new creation of the world of God, by the awakened people of this time. Not leaving everything to Earth Consciousness alone, but those who are living there have to shift up together, involving the energy of the spiritual region. Otherwise, it is impossible to make the dimension of Earth shift, engaging in a so-called "ascension." And it by necessity requires that a particular percentage of the people living on the planet be awakened. In order to make a dimensional shift, the consciousness of the people living there has to be changed. Aum (The Divine Spirit of Universe) Channeling message by Amarie Source:“Prayer of Gaia” (Kindle)




