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A message from EL-Ranty(Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah)
【The Mission of Earth】
7. Embodiment of Love
The Love of God continuously nurtures humankind, plants and animals in order to expand the will of God through this environment of Earth as the body of God or his expressive media. Various planets have their lives for the same purpose.
Among those planets, Earth is located in that part which is the heart, and the love in the heart is strongly cared about. In a sense, the main theme of spiritual training for Earth is love and making the blood of love flow because it belongs to the group of Agasha line, the name of which you may know.
So, the blood of love flows in the body of God. The pump which makes the love flow through the whole body is the heart.
Earth itself and Galaxy itself belong to the heart of God's body, and they naturally have to learn what love is. This means that Galaxy should make the flow of love, in other words, push out the blood of love to the whole body of God by learning it. Such a mission is bestowed on Galaxy itself.
Listen. That is the reason why we invited the spirit of Jesus Christ in the Agasha line and intend to teach love thoroughly to Earth people now.
If you cannot truly understand what love is, our mission as Earth, as a planet, is not to be fulfilled. This understanding is not merely the purpose of the spiritual training of Earth as well as that of Galaxy as planets that are part of heart. All living things are made alive and nurtured by the energy of love in God. The figure of God itself is the embodiment of love itself.
You may be still unable to sense what it is actually, but the time will certainly come when you can feel it.
At present, you are being confined inside such a hard and heavy body. It appears like that in our eyes. If you were to take off the body, it would be clear that you are originally a great existence with wonderful prajna-paramita, the wonderful wisdom.
However, having been born on the ground, you are put in such a physical body like a prison, and, except for your five senses, your various sensibilities except such as the telepathy referred to a while ago, your so-called psychic power, are sealed up.
But once you pass over these times, such new times certainly will come when you gain the body of a lighter vibration by one more level, casting off such a body like a corpse.
In the purification of love, the new body becomes lighter also in terms of the mass of matter, and when the adhering part is taken away, a change takes place in the body itself, which will become a much lighter body in vibration.
Then, when a spirit has truly and thoroughly understood that its own self is a child of God and love itself, and that other things are meaningless even if one holds or grasps them, the body naturally comes to cease putting on extra things. It becomes lighter in its mass.
EL-Ranty(Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah)
Channeling message by Amarie
『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)
Known as God Jehovah and as God Allah. About three hundred and sixty-five million years ago, he came flying over to the earth from the planet Be-Elda, leading his party of approximately sixty million people. It is said that this is the beginning of the human race on the earth. He hasn't had a physical body on the ground for a long time, until he was born as Shinji Takahashi in Japan in order to teach the Divine Truth. Now, he is the one most in charge of "the third project" on the Heaven's side.
Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age


最終更新日  2024年03月15日 07時05分03秒
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