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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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A Message from Mother Mary
【To My Beloved Children From Your Mother】
10. Divine Truth Is That Which Is Very Simple
Please think of your present standpoint, though I know there have occurred things that have successively tried to trip you up, please do not forget to go back to the origin. Otherwise, this word of heaven could not be descended. It will be too late when it has become so.
How about to open the heart more and discuss about what has been wrong?
Then, you could get back to the vibration of love that Lemuria originally has had.
Please go back to the origin.
It is simple.
That which the divine truth is being is very simple.
But it is very powerful.
I can never speak of such a sophisticated theological theory. But I have been loving you and I have been thinking and caring for you as the children of God and as the children of mine with the thought of a mother. In that situation what do I have to convey to you as a mother? What do I have to scold you about? What do I have to encourage you about? I come here today because I want to convey you that.
The age of guiding people who are taking a figure like mine is coming to an end. In this person, looking over the fragments of the past lives, there might have been various partial idols. But, this time, there is nothing for her and she is going to take off the signboard. She is a housewife and a mother. She is going put her stake on it.
One without a signboard. One who could speak the word of God without a signboard. Such a person is called really strong one. Rather than speaking like me with an idolized signboard that has been set up by somebody and idolized beautifully in the paintings and the architecture of a church, I am thinking that those who can quiver and direct the heart of the people with the word and vibration are really strong ones, those are really powerful.
Accordingly, the unnamed will be welcome.
Live in the way of living so that you have felt, “Ah, you are really a child of God” in the people’s mind unconsciously, having placing hands together with you. No matter how much you speak based on logic, no matter how much you push out the excellence, people never place their hands together with you.
It is meant to show the embodiment of God.
Your words and acts, and way of living, through all of those things that which is to appear is what the angels of light descended on the ground who have to present the embodiment of God are to do.
In the sense of this matter, God never makes the difference.
In your individualities, in the roles given, if you are going to love this ground fully, and if you think you are going to love the companions of God living on the ground, and if you make as much as effort as possible and fulfill the role, then all off those efforts are precious and all of them are acts that bring God, the father of the heaven, delight.
In the sense of this matter, we never differentiate nor judge. In that sense, in all the ones, it is precious. To comprehend, it is the common idea of those who are in the heaven.
Accordingly, even among your small number of companions, and also to those who are outside, do not see from such a view, but have a mind at ease so that you are asking many children of God with you and marching with arms on shoulders humming a tune.
Mother Mary
Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Truth of Fatima”(Kindle)
Mother Mary
Mother Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. Since she was the mother of the Messiah, she is called the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ. It is said that although she was a virgin, she conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to him in a horse stable in Bethlehem.
She was a devout person and was always depicted as an obedient woman in the Holly Bible. She has been respected as a paragon of virtue of women in the Christian religion until today.
She denies her the Virgin Birth of Jesus in her channeling, however her modest attitude with full of love trying to convey God's thoughts to people on Earth in her easy words is exactly the same as that described in the Holly Bible.
She appeared actually in several places as Fatima in Portugal, Lourdes in France and Akita in Japan and other places in the world, and tried to avoid the upcoming natural disasters in the end of the twentieth century and unstable world situation, by preaching the importance of repentance and the end of the world.
Since the Cold War ended and the natural disasters did not occur, her appearance was a story of the past. However, in Lemuria Renaissance channeling, she disclosed her messages were for the people today.
Truth of Fatima


最終更新日  2024年03月29日 07時05分03秒
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