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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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カテゴリ:モーゼ Moses

Humanity can choose to be at peace.
【Earth People Now Facing a Turning Point of All or Nothing】
I am Moses.
Here today I would like to bless you and thank you for the new book published and the new development that is to begin.
Your effort is producing a fruit and our word is being expanded on the ground. By sending out these kinds of books successively, while spreading our word and the will of heaven on the ground, I want you to carry out our plan of the heaven after all.
You might not understand this plan is really enormous, though you only think you are convinced so. You have to understand more seriously that this is a great holy war that determines the final fate of the earth involving all of our world, these three dimensions, and the underground world.
The present civilization, which has been going in the wrong direction, has forgotten its original purpose, which is that the children of God are really to be the children of God. Instead they are absorbed in desire, running out of control with the wrong sense of values, only to commit suicide in the end, and as the result of those tendencies it has faced its ruin. You have to understand this.
You might think the crisis of the ruin means that the earth is ruined by a natural calamity, but it is caused by the self-purification of the earth as the consequence of ill thoughts scattered by you all. But the natural calamity itself doesn't intend to destroy your civilization. God's intention has never been to destroy the civilization of the three dimensions we have invoked.
The primary reason that lies at the cause of the final ruin is the nuclear war that might be called a world-scale war, and that will be invoked in the near future. By that war, will humankind face its ruin in the end? Or, will they be able to be aware of the human love by themselves without using such things? And having had the conversion about the sense of values, do you know how to live as the children of God and overcome these difficulties? You are facing the turning point that will offer the chance to go in one direction or the other. It is the reality.
Accordingly, it is possible for the self-purification of the earth to come into existence and as a result a natural calamity could occur. But it is only the phenomena of a chain of purification to make a new century. So, even if there comes a great earthquake or a giant tidal wave, it would be simply a reaction against the cause of the law of cause and effect, in response to what you have done by yourselves.
The more serious thing is that humankind is going in the direction of a nuclear war between nation and nation. Possessing such nuclear weapons and involving all the racial, religious, and ideological conflicts, the present international situation is on the brink of the crisis of a war. Will this possibility develop in such a way as to be actualized? Or, will it have been resolved by not making those potentials turned into reality with the danger of wars disappearing, nuclear wars being avoided, and the nuclear weapons being discarded? And, for the love of humans, will it finally become the next step of a new mental civilization?
For that purpose, we have sent down various laws of this kind from heaven, but will it go to the high-minded state of the original like being aware of the love of humanity, as Jesus Christ has told? It is the grand test period of humankind.
『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)
Channeling message by Amarie


最終更新日  2024年03月30日 07時05分03秒
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