みゅうにゃん お散歩日記


The Dharma of Men and Women 7. nine-dimensional spirit partner

マヌ Manu(149)

https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=7347164008693614&set=a.154145194662234 [The Dharma of Men and Women 7. nine-dimensional spirit partner You said, “When a soul reaches a certain state of being, it knows its own soul partner.” I think “a certain level” is a vague expression. Well, no matter what planet you are on, you will know when you reach the level of the ninth dimension. Don't be discouraged if you don't understand until you reach the ninth dimension. The soul is eternal. It is important to enjoy the process. Although ninth-dimensional spirits have not yet been born on Earth, if we shift up and advance to the next stage, more and more ninth-dimensional spirits will be born on Earth, just like on Orion, my home planet. Therefore, let us do our best to make the shift up a success with the power of the people of Earth. There are currently ten ninth-dimensional spirits on earth. They may come to Earth with their own partners from their home planet, as in my case, or they may not bring their own partners to Earth. In either case, there are no women in the earth nine-dimensional spirit world. Where the soul partners of the ninth-dimensional spirits are located, they are often in the spirit realm of female spirits only. On earth, there are only a few female spirits in the 8th dimension. Sometimes they reveal their partners themselves, as I do, but often they don't because of privacy concerns. The question may come to mind, “So, then, the nine-dimensional spirits on earth cannot bring their partners to earth to meet in the heavenly realms?” The question may come to mind, “Then why can't the nine-dimensional spirits on earth bring their partners to earth to meet in the heavenly realms? Actually, they set up a place between the 9th dimension and the spirit world where they are, and meet there from time to time. In the case of the spirit world, they do not have physical bodies, so they are moved and delighted just by meeting and touching hands with each other. In the case of Orion, once a soul partner is found, it is common for them to work together afterwards. It becomes unnatural for them to be separate anymore, and they become one with each other so that they can do their true work. Manu From “Gaia Reimei: How the Living and Conscious Earth Was Born Translated with DeepL.com (free version)




