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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…




【Grand Salvation Plan Simultaneously Progressed in Heaven and Hell with Relation to the Three Dimensions】
But, there has been a will among us that it does not target only the humankind who are on the surface of this earth. It is, moreover, by the use of the three dimension as a medium, to convey the fundamental law and the teaching of love to those who are spread from the three dimension to the whole heaven and also to the hell, whom we cannot usually speak out to and convey the law.
In order to maintain the magnetic field of the movement of this salvation through such a relationship "En" of the ground, we have had the movement of salvation on the three dimensions periodically. It is the compilation of those past works. It is the movement of the compilation in the divine truth of the earth line. It is that movement of salvation. And now you have been in the climax of the movement.
How will it go on after this? When we have made the maximum effort and also you have made the maximum effort, our wishes would be necessarily touching the will of love of God of the universe, and the earth would have a rebirth to such a splendid star of love, and attain the earth renaissance. Since we have believed from our heart, we have been making effort in this way. I would like you to think that it has been in such a position and do this work.
You have been told that you should never make light of it and never habituate yourself to it. To receive a message should never be thought of as something like watching an interesting thing or a curious thing. With a wish of our word being to reach those who haven't learned in heaven and those who are in the hell for the learning, I would like you to gather here by all means.
I would like you to be the messengers who deliver our word. It is your work as the angels of light and as the angles of a messenger. I would like you to use your whole life for this. I think it is by no means a meaningless work. I think there will come an age by all means when you can be proud of the life of this time. Since I believe you can maintain such a history in your spirit, I would like to ask for your help. Anything may be welcome, if it is a diary or anything.
Please convey that which you have thought about the talk that you have heard today.
Then, by the chance of Internet, by the chance of the publication of a book, those who hear our word would increase. By that process, our word will spread. Even though one touches it through his sight, in the end it is his freewill, whether he receives it or does not receive it. But, unless they have not known about it, or unless they have not touched it, there's no chance they can be aware of it.
After all there has not scarcely been a chance for those who are the fifth dimension and sixth dimension to hear our fundamental law. They cannot hear it. Since the light is too strong, and we, the ninth dimension ourselves, cannot go to their region. To cope with this, one like Nichiren goes there earnestly reducing the strength of the light, or if it is the fifth or sixth dimension, the ones of the seventh dimensions are going. But even they cannot hear because they are being dazzled.
Even if it is so, you can hear the word of the ninth dimension time and time again, but it is because you have a physical body of this ground that you can endure it. Considering this, I would like you to accept and convey our word every time without being disliked. Though my talk has been long a little, have my feelings been conveyed to you? Though I couldn't answer your questions fully, I am leaving today.
Thank you very much.
“Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age”(Kindle)


最終更新日  2024年06月02日 07時05分03秒
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