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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…





From the inspiring words of Seikan Kobayashi...

After about three to six months of not saying these words, I suddenly start getting requests.

Basically, I accept all the requests that come my way.

I recommend that you do what is asked of you in a “moderate” manner.

By “appropriately,” I mean “moderately.

I recommend that you do everything you are asked to do in an “appropriate manner.

You can do what you are asked to do in a “moderate” manner, without being overawed by the task.

After about three years of accepting requests, you will realize that you are being used in a certain direction.

You may say, “I feel like I was born into this world to do this.

There is a moment when you realize your “mission.

This is called the moment of “Rikumei.

If you are divided into what you like and what you don't like, it is difficult for interesting things to happen to you.

It is the way the universe works,

Ego + entrustment = 100

The equation is “ego + entrusted = 100.

When the ego is 30 percent, the entrustment is 70 percent.

When the ego is zero percent, the percentage of entrustment is one hundred percent.

I do not choose what I am asked to do based on whether I like it or not, but rather on the third choice. That is,

“I just live without any hesitation.

I do not choose to like or dislike what I am asked to do, but I choose the third option.

I do what I am asked to do without evaluation or commentary.

If you have an ego or a goal that you want to achieve, you have to work hard to get there.

And there will be times when you will not be able to achieve it despite your efforts.

However, if you do what you are asked to do and live your life without hesitation, you will never know what you will be asked to do.

Things can flow in a direction that you never imagined, and things seem to happen that are much more enjoyable than when you thought they would be.

It is a very happy thing for a human being to be asked to do something.

When a human being lives alone, he or she is a human being. To live among others is human.”

What will you do as a human being before you die, and for what purpose did you come into this world?

It is,

“How we have been a pleasing presence among people.

It is not to leave behind achievements and accomplishments.

It is not about leaving behind achievements or accomplishments.

It is about the people around you (family, friends, acquaintances),

“I am glad that you did ________ for me.

(family, friends, and acquaintances) will say, “I'm glad you did ________ for me.

And if it gets even better,

“I am glad you were there for me.

This is the level of “I'm glad you were there for me.

When a person brightens you up and warms your heart just by being by your side, it is called “Jin.

It means “two people (are always by your side).

When you go one step further from “doing something for someone” and they say to you, “I am so happy to be by your side,” you have entered the realm of “Jin.

A person who is truly appreciated by others does not stop at the level of doing something to make them happy, but rather becomes a person who makes them feel at ease just by being there.

I am sometimes asked if I have to accept all the requests I am asked to do, so I would like to write down some of the requests that I can refuse.

When someone says, “I need to borrow money,” it means that the request is for money, not yourself.When you are asked to lend money, it means that the request is for money, not yourself, so you may refuse.However, it depends on the following conditions.Suppose you have enough money and you refuse the request for a loan.If you would feel less self-loathing if you lent the money, you would lend it.If you lend at the expense of your own life, your self-loathing will increase.As the level of “I” changes, so does the level of self-hatred.It is also acceptable to refuse if it is physically impossible, such as asking you to carry a hundred kilograms of luggage, or if it is simply a numbers game, or if you have a prior commitment.There are some requests, such as PTA, that you have never been asked to do before.In that case, you can make this decision.If you have never experienced something you have never done before, your self-loathing will be “zero percent” because you have never experienced self-loathing as a result of accepting the task.The self-loathing when not undertaking something may be “about five percent,” so in this case, you would choose to undertake it.This will be the first term, and when you accept the second term, you may again choose the one with less self-hatred.Basically, the answer comes when you weigh the self-loathing in your mind.If you have never done it before, you might as well take it on.Refusing to do something because you think you cannot do it yourself is called “arrogance.Basically, you will not be asked to do something you cannot do.There is a cosmic law that says, “Once you refuse a request, you will not receive another request for three years.

It is a cosmic law that if you refuse a request once, you will not receive another request for three years.Gakken, “Making Your Daily Life EasierMr. Shokan Kobayashi says something like this.I have come to understand that the structure of the universe seems to have a double structure, a reverse structure.It seems that the more enthusiastic a person is about doing something, the less the universe is on his or her side.On the contrary, it seems that the less enthusiastic a person is about something, the more the universe wants to be on his or her side.In Japan, for example, people who run for office voluntarily tend to be shunned at various meetings, such as PTA meetings.People who are pushed or asked to serve are more popular.This is because people who are not obsessed or selfless do not have a sense of self-interest in using the association to their advantage.In other words, a person who has a strong sense of public service and thinks about how to please others.

How I have been a pleaser among others.”A life of being asked to do things is a happy life._______That's very deep........*from a story that makes my soul tremble


最終更新日  2024年06月11日 07時05分04秒
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