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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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カテゴリ:モーゼ Moses

A Message from Morya(Moses)
【Practice Itself is Love】
5. Present People Who Have Forgot the Faith in the Material Civilization
Since you receive the messages down in this way, the right words of the heaven coming down from our original pipe, those of the next generation could continue this salvation plan based on this blueprint. I would like to express my gratitude for this from my heart.
If the wrong plan were descended and if it went in the wrong direction, it would be very sorry for us that humankind has gone in the wrong direction in the sense of the target, and it is the road that just Satan and others have been wanting.
They intend to destroy the earth humans in an instance even by war, make a hellish scene in the minds of the people, filling them with fear and disorder, and destroying the earth and humankind in the end. And then they are going to absorb the energy from a lot of those who have come to the hell and possess a large power again.
Though it is a figure that is very ignorant, they want to reign in this small, small world of the earth and in its energy they want to possess the energy exceeding that of the heaven.
For that purpose, they aim to make those who are on the ground fall into the energy of unhappiness, fear and anger, and become absorbed in that energy. And then, by pulling those spirits into hell they are willing to have those minds as if they had won them against the arm of the angels in this small earth.
There are we angels of light, but it doesn't mean we are great.
The earth is, from the point of view of the celestial objects and the grand structure of great God universe, a really tiny, tiny thing. In that place, there is the power of Satan and others with negative energy who stand against the angels of light with their positive energy. They want to think they have conquered the world and been satisfied with such an ambition by amplifying the energy and possessing more energy than the angels of light.
Though, from the viewpoint of the world it is a merely subtle thing in the breast of God. Even for us we don't think our position is that splendid, and only we are doing because we want to make ourselves into supports for God.
But they are the pitiful and foolish figures of the ruin of what they were, who have been conceited by their desire for power, their desire to dominate, a mind to possess more power than God in the heaven. It is a pitiful figure that is attached to the desire. But it would be too much to say that it is also the figure of those who are living with a physical body on the ground.
Once it has come on the ground, one wants to make excessive money, have more power to dominate, and want to become higher than others in terms of race and religion.
In North Korean, due to the fact that they are small, small country, they are not going to release nuclear weapons so that they want to make a display of their own small country being the most.
Considering this in terms of those matters, the smaller ones become more attached to those things, and equip themselves with the nuclear weapons in order to defend somehow to the last in terms of power, as if they had scared their opponent by their fears in the same sense that gangsters threaten with knives.
If they really have confidence, they can be unarmed. If they really think their beliefs in such systems as communism, which they had been practicing, were the most splendid, they should have been in confident without those nuclear weapons. But, since it is not so, and since there is always no food, they never release the nuclear weapon with such a threatening figure, thrusting the knife against many peoples.
In some sense, it is, more or less, the figure of humankind. Among races or religions, there arises an opposition and a war occurs. The reason why a big war called Armageddon happens is because there is an opposition between the religions in such a place. But, in the teaching of love such as in Judaism, which I taught once, or in Christianity, which Jesus Christ taught, in Islam, which Muhammad taught, there is by no means a religion which justifies the killing of people.
After all, those teachings that were preached as the road for the children of God in deep faith and respect to God, modestly in the teaching of love, in the commandments, in the teaching of justice, are the ancient teachings that we have taught.
It has been only two thousands or three thousands years since then, but humankind has fully forgot their importance rather than having learned them, and have been indulging in the material civilization in the developed and evolved science as if it were given as a candy, and disposed fully the important teaching of love, putting it aside.
Now, its result is coming out.
Channeling message by Amarie
『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)
Born as Moses in ancient Israel, he became a religious leader. He is known as the originator of Judaism. It is told that he lead the Jewish people who were forced to engaged in the slave work in Egypt. Moreover it is said that he left Egypt, shaking off his pursuers, created a miracle by splitting the Red Sea, entered into Sinai, made a contract with God, and was then given the Ten Commandments. In heaven, he is in charge of the red ray, justice, and delegating the role of dissipation in hell.
Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age


最終更新日  2024年06月18日 07時00分17秒
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