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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

いいね! --/--












ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…




Happiness as a Woman and a Wife] 8 - There is beauty as a woman in her neatness and devotion.

In terms of education, in terms of intellect, if you work hard, even women can get to the same intellectual place as men. That is a great deal to learn. Wisdom is a profound thing, no matter how much you learn.

But if it is just a collection of knowledge, a self-improvement to create unnecessary pride and to run toward a logic that looks down on men, then it will not produce anything.

As for men, if they stuff their minds with knowledge and hold superiority only through knowledge, and end the words of God with mere disputes over knowledge, then such things are neither God's wisdom nor wisdom. And I am sure that all of you have already realized that it is not about enhancing your own characteristics.

If this is the case, then for women as well, to think that the true independence of women and the true liberation of women are based on academic qualifications, deviation from the norm, or men getting high-income jobs, is to fundamentally abandon the happiness of being a woman yourself.

I am not saying that you should not have a job in any position. You can have a job. In that situation, you should stand up for men as men. And do not unnecessarily show off your knowledge more than men.

In this humble, pure, and devoted attitude of beauty, the way of life itself becomes a form of beauty. Since you have already asked me about beauty, I would like to emphasize this point even more. The way you live, the character of your heart, and your thoughts are what form the beauty of a person.

Those of us in the heavenly realm are no longer clad in the physical body that we received from our parents. Therefore, our world is formed by our own spirituality, our own enlightenment, and our own spiritual beauty.

Those who are old in mind and spirit still prefer to take the form of an old person when they come here.
And those who are young in mind, when they come here, still prefer to take on the form of a young person.

In the Japanese Shinto religion, too, people of the dragon god lineage take on the form of an old man.

In the Japanese Shinto religion as well, all Dragon Gods take the form of grandfathers, and are called "Grandfather of the Dragon Gods. Therefore, we take on the form that best suits us.

In other words, when a woman comes to our world, we can tell at once whether or not she is inherently beautiful by her heart and soul. Because they have a physical body, they may be able to camouflage themselves more than necessary. But once you return to our world, all such things will disappear.

Therefore, it may be very important for us to be well groomed, even in our physical appearance, from the time we are alive. As a woman, I also believe that we should have a minimum level of beauty.

However, no matter how many expensive bags, dresses, or make-up you put on the surface of a person, if the person is not truly beautiful, it will be obvious after just a few minutes of conversation. I think that is the opposite of what men are looking for.

If men could understand the value of beauty as one of the criteria for women's beauty, I believe that women would be able to focus more and more on the internal cultivation of their own sense of beauty.

No matter how hard a woman tries, as she gets older, she will never be as beautiful as she was when she was young. Proportions also lose their shape. With such values, rather than feeling unhappy, we have lived longer and understood the sorrows of others more than when we were young, and because of that, we have become kinder.

Through men, I have learned compassion as a woman, and through raising children, I have learned the richness of motherhood.

I have learned the richness of motherhood in raising children, and through men I have learned the compassion of womanhood. I have learned that although my body may have deteriorated and become old, I have stored up more treasures in my divinity as a "woman" than in my youth, and that is why I am now at this age.

If we can live our lives with such beauty, even if there is some white in her hair, even if her face has some wrinkles, even if her figure is a little loose in proportion, through her, the beauty of the divinity of the woman that God has created will emanate as light on this earth. I believe that the noble feminine light emanating from her will become the energy of the female spirit that soothes and heals the hearts of men, makes them happy, and makes the earth shine.

Konohanasakuyahime no Mikoto, from "Female Spirits of Japanese Shinto 1


最終更新日  2024年07月01日 07時05分04秒
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