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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

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A Message from Terra (Masculine part of Earth Consciousness)
【As the Earth Family】
9. Learn in the Ultimate Dualism
Concerning Lucifer, no matter how strong his power is, no matter how troublesome he is, since he is one of the attributes of God of Aum, I have permitted to take him here. By his existence, I think we can learn the importance of the light. So, please do not loose the placidness to learn love through him.
I don’t know how much power Lucifer possesses, but the amount of darkness he possesses is just a matter of no account, if we compare it with the depth of love and overwhelming amount of light of the macrocosm.
Even if there were not Lucifer, the humans on the ground would not have been harmonized even on the planet on which they have been living, polluting everything their own way, and suffering by themselves. If he takes advantage of their weakness, it may result in the more confusion. The race possessing such a weakness and immaturity is the Earth people.
If it is so, by being in Earth conversely, there has been a chance to train legs and loins of your spirits against the tricks of Lucifer. I think you could think so. If you feel it hard and don’t want it, there are many other planets, not stimulus but milder, so you could go to such a planet.
This Earth is being called a place to learn “ultimate dualism.” In the entire universe, it might be a planet to touch the fearfulness of negative dark energy. So, Hell has been enlarged in this way and forms a space that shutters the light of God.
But, by the depth of the darkness, you could learn about the suffering of the one without love, the importance of light, the dignity of love, needs of love, and you yourself being love.
As being told since before, I have accepted many immigrants from various planets, some are excellent in intellect, some are excellent in artistic sensitivity, some are excellent in their power of locomotion, and some are excellence in will power. By accepting those people, I have made variety in the Earth people, and aimed for a planet where they can have the chance to learn about many lives, by transmigrating there.
And the final blow is to accept Lucifer. You have known the greatness of God in the overwhelming amount of light against the darkness, even if Universe is comprised of the dualism.
Terra (Masculine part of Earth Consciousness)
Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Prayer of Gaia”(Kindle)
Terra (Masculine part of Earth Consciousness)
Terra is Yang consciousness (Male consciousness) dwelling in the Earth. With his partner spirit Gaia, he created the Earth and has been nurturing all the lives on earth.
As the roles of the masculine part, Terra holds a planet earth by gravity and controls the period of the revolution of earth around the Sun and the rotation of earth. In this way, he creates the environment that the lives can survive and then decides the vision of what living things to create.
Terra accepted a wide variety of spirits from various planets. Besides, Terra even accepted Luci (Lucifer) as if he were the own child, though other Planet Consciousness kept away from. By this, the Earth was full of conflicts and confusion of different senses of values and formed one of the enormous Hells in the universe. Earth has also become such a planet as experiencing thoroughly "ultimate dualism of light and darkness."
However, Terra's mission is to emit the new type of love by "taking in something different, converting their power by love and producing intense energy endlessly", and to promote the evolution in the Aum universe in which the same sorts got together and resulted in stagnation.
Normally, this is the advanced learning for the Stellar Star Consciousness. Nevertheless, Terra made the firm resolution to practice it at the level of planet. By undertaking the difficult mission, he has been given a sir name of "A Prince of the Galaxy" honored as a planet possessing a supreme and high ideal.


最終更新日  2024年07月27日 07時05分05秒
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