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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

いいね! --/--












ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…





This is a story about the “Laws of the Universe” that can turn your life around.

There is a “law of the universe” that Mr. Kazuto Saito often talks about in his books.

It is also called “God's will.

It is an immutable law, and I believe it is true.

The following is what Mr. Kazuto Saito says in his book “Kami wa Karai” (written by Kazuto Saito and Dr. Micchan / Makino Shuppan).

If you don't know the laws of the universe, you think that no matter what you think, the future won't change anyway, and you unconsciously think dark things.

People who complain and speak ill of others do so because they don't believe that it will have a negative impact on their lives.

But you can't tell them you want to be happy because of it.

If someone says, “I am unhappy, so I complain, whine, and speak ill of others,” it is probably because they were complaining and speaking ill of others in a previous life.

That's what brought them unhappiness, and in this life they've been unhappy since childhood.

But if you keep on complaining, you will only become more and more unhappy, and happiness will never come to you.

But if you stop complaining and swearing right here and now, your life will change forever from this point on.

If you say “ah” at the top of a mountain, “ah” will come back to you as a echo.

In the same way, if you speak words with love, you will attract a reality with love.

If you want to change your reality, all you have to do is change the sound of the echo.

You may think it's not so easy if you can turn your life around just by doing that, but give it a try.

You will find out that it is much harder than it seems.

But, if you keep trying, even if it's hard, good things will start to happen.

The more you do it, the more good things will happen.

Think you've been fooled, and give it a try.

The Law of the Universe: Thoughts Attract Reality

This “Law of the Universe” was also mentioned by Mr. Shokan Kobayashi in his book, so I would like to introduce it to you.


One of the laws of the universe is that “what you throw at something comes back (what you do not throw at something does not come back).

This is the same as “action” and “reaction” in physics, or to put it another way,

If you love, you will be loved; if you do not love, you will not be loved.

If you are grateful, you are grateful; if you are ungrateful, you are ungrateful.

If you hate, you will be hated. If you do not hate, you will not be hated.

If you hate, you will be hated; if you do not hate, you will not be hated.

Then there is the equation “the universe doubles down” on what comes back to you.

If you don't complain, whine, whine, swear, or complain at all while what you throw at it has not yet been returned, it will return twice as much.

The universe is a very disciplined doubler.

If something happens in your life that would normally cause you to grumble, whine, cry, swear, or complain, think, “Here it comes!” you should think, “Here it comes!

That I have finally developed the discipline of my personality to the point where I can take the test.

Once I “pass” that test, pleasant events begin to happen for me.

(From “God's Favorite Story” by Shokan Kobayashi / Mikasa Shobo)


There seem to be nine levels in the human mind.

1、It is possible to be “happy” about phenomena that most people generally consider happy or enjoyable.

2、I can feel “happiness” about phenomena that many people generally consider happy or joyful.

3、I can be “thankful” for phenomena that most people are happy or joyful about.

Up to this point, you are in the “beginner's level

4、I can be “happy” about things that most people generally take for granted.

5、I can feel “happiness” about things that most people generally take for granted.

6、You can be thankful for things that most people take for granted.

This is the intermediate level.

7、You can be “happy” about things that most people generally consider unfortunate.

8、Feel “happy” about things that most people generally consider unfortunate.

9. Can be “thankful” for things that most people generally consider unfortunate.

This is the “advanced level.

And when you move up a level, a trial phenomenon (incident) is said to occur.

That is what is called the aforementioned “test”.

Everyone can be happy and grateful when they get an increase in salary.

It is “intermediate” when you are able to be thankful for what you always take for granted.

A person who can be “thankful” even if his or her salary is reduced rather than increased as expected is called a “senior” and a “person of character.

Beginners can be happy when they are feeling well, intermediates can be happy when they are normal, and advanced can be grateful even when they are feeling bad.

It means that the person who can be smiling even when people get irritated will get twice as much back.â

I think this is the heart of the “Law of the Universe.

I want to put it into practice, not just know about it.

From a story that makes my soul tremble


最終更新日  2024年09月15日 07時05分05秒
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