みゅうにゃん お散歩日記


The Law of Venus ~ Please use the energy of the feminine to save the earth.

セレニティ Selenity(271)

https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=931986792301727&set=a.461274999372911 The Law of Venus ~ Please use the energy of the feminine to save the earth. Men will risk their lives and work hard to bring down the law, set up the law, reform society, and maintain it with their knowledge. With strength, justice, and courage, they will revolutionize and change the times. This is a strong force, a strong energy, This is the work of men who are positive, who are powerful and energetic. But there are times when even that cannot save us. When the great values of the times are transformed, when humanity exudes selfish energy, men cannot accept the difference in values. They can only insist on their own standards of value. Hence the clashes and the wars. When men are killing and hurting each other to assert their values, what is there to contain it? It is the same as the tears of mothers who lost their sons in war. All over the world, young men and women are dying in wars. You are the mothers of all those warriors. Accept your womanhood with this in mind. Then what will you do? You can say, “No, you can't do that. That is the power of women. It is not only women's energy to join with men in waging an anti-war movement. Even if it is anti-war, it is women who, in their thoughts, can cry out about the preciousness of life and the sadness of losing loved ones, “Why do you men, driven by your own values, by asserting yourselves, hurt each other, hurt the earth, kill my son, my husband? It is you. Only those words will touch people's hearts the most. That is because all mankind was born from the body of a woman. All are My children. I am the mother of the earth. I am the mother of all the human beings of the earth. I believe that I gave birth to all of you from within my body, I love you all and have lived my life. I love you. That is why you who love each other hurt each other, kill each other, hate each other. I cannot allow the Earth, my beloved planet, which has been nurtured and nurtured by the Earth Consciousness with so much suffering, to suffer any more, to make the Earth Consciousness suffer, and for you to suffer, hurt, and perish by yourselves. I, the Mother, will not allow it. The only way to stop this is for us women to mobilize our feminine energy. When life is budding, when new life is being born, many lives may perish as the old ones perish. Such things are not only the life of the body, but I am saying that when the life in the soul, the life of the soul is regenerated, I, the Mother of Souls, have come down to this earth now. And I want to tell you now to save the critical situation of this planet by using to the fullest the energy of femininity that I, the Original Self, have shared with you when I created you. Women, you have a power that you do not know. But, you know, in order to activate that power, you are first of all the children of God - and you are the children of God. That God is the energy of love that governs the universe. If that is the case, then you, as God's children, must realize that you are part of love, that you are love itself, or you could not master the energy of love that is within you. You are love itself. The energy of love within you, Its transforming power, If you had not been aware that you are love itself, you could not have preached this Dharma. That is why I have waited for this time. I would like to ask all of you to think about your roles in the current society, I ask you to spread the Dharma in your daily lives and in the society of today. Serenity (Moon Consciousness) From “Gaia's Prayer: Ascension to the Star of Light and Love




