大谷翔平の大活躍を英作してみた。開幕以来30打席 ホームランゼロ、投手としての勝ち星がない。開幕戦のことを英文で書いていたが、ホームランゼロでは、元気が出ません。しかしながら嬉しいことに、今日、31打席目の1番打者で1球目をホームランにし、加えて、3打席目にもホームランを打ってしまうのだ。ひょっとしたら3本ホームラン打っても大谷翔平は、驚きでもiないかもしれない。もっと大きな感動をくれそうな勢いである。 いつもは日本語併記していましたが、2号ホームランに免じて、手抜きさせてください。 Last Friday April 8th morning,I watched on TV the opening game of Majar League Baseball,Los angels Angels VS Huston Astrose at Anahaim stadium. I was exicited in.I have never watched baseball this intently in a long time. In Opening Ceremony,The American national songs was sung happily and Huge American flags was spred all over the graund,and in the top of seventh inning , the song “Take me to the baseball park “was played in. I was moved everything very much. Of course The purpose of watching TV is to watch the Ohtani’s big performance as 2 way player.This time, he was the opening pitcher,his first pitch was four seams,that was called straight ball in Japan .That pitching speed was spar fast 160.5km/h,100mile/h. He struck out the first batter he faced. Immidiately in the bottom of the first inning,He stood at batterbox as the first batter. Unfortunately he couldn’t hit.As a result in this opening game,He throw till 4 3/4 inning, result was 9 strike out and lost 1point.As battar he couldn’t hit and homeruns.I couldn’t leave from my television for 3 hours without missing Ohtani’s Homerun. Now He had 7 games ,30at-bats, zero homerun.he isn’t in good condition . But I believe that he break the last year’s excellent result.As a Japanese, I ‘m proud of Ohtani. Happily Today he hit the first homer of the season.And he hit the second homer. I was surprised to see them. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2022.05.10 23:28:17
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