~”漢気(?)”溢れるメーカー(Production)様の雄/Necrostorm 様:『”アノ”続編』や『”アレ”の続編&その又続編』、『”ソレ”の続編』とかのTrailer、CLIP~~
改めて言おう。”漢”・・・つまり、”完全マニア向け”である。パスタのお国の映像制作Production、”Necrostorm” 様潔い程のグログロ、バイオレンス。それは、Visual Effects、Special Effects の味わいのある映像美。今回は久々に行ったようつべのaccountで知った、前回ご紹介した作品の続編の存在。しかも、作品達は日本では未公開。国内版は未発売。では今回は、その続編のTrailerを。当たり前ではあるが日本語字幕等は無い。・・・直接向こう(ようつべ)に行かないと観れないのだがね・・・。※ Originalの作品の方は昨日の記事をご覧下さいまし。同じ記事をコピーしようと思ったが大量の文字になってしまうので。Storyは公式サイト~Necrostorm 様より~↓<クリックすると別枠で翔びます>Necrostorm Production - Movies, Games, Music - Home前作のネタバレを含んでいるので読む時は注意『Hotel Inferno 2:The Cathedral of Pain』2017パスタのお国日本未公開Having been slain by the Mistandrian Cultists, Frank is lost in a special level of Hell: Hotel Inferno.Frank must now collect the five elements that comprise the human soul so thathe can return to Earth and reclaim his body.『Hotel Inferno 3:The Castle of Screams』2021パスタのお国日本未公開Frank, although you have retrieved the Fire element, you are still trapped in the hellish Hotel Inferno.Now you must retrieve the Ice element, and take the second step towards your resurrection. But on this cold journey, as you will discover, the demons are not your only enemies, and the truth will hurt more than any infernal atrocity you faced. Fight for your sanity, fight for your humanity.『Taeter Burger』<Taeter Burger(Taeter City 2)>2022パスタのお国Filming:80%Post production:10%In the year 2161, the dictatorship of a newly-formed small American state, Taeter City, has lowered the crime rate and solved the hunger crisis by turning criminals into the latest fast food craze,served exclusively at Taeter Burger restaurants.In this crazy world, an android and three Taeter Burger employeesmust fight for their lives when their restaurant is attacked by a genetically altered terrorist. Robotic traps, crazed cops,the restaurant's malignant manager, and an army of murderous mutants, are just a part of the atrocities they must face before they discover the truth behind the terrorist attack. <現在はVideo clipのみ>『ADAM CHAPLIN 2:Reborn from Hell』パスタのお国 Filming:50%Post production:20%Trailerは未だ無しAfter the demon failed to take his soul, Adam is once again on the warpath with a new ally, determined to exact his revenge.Meanwhile, the ruthless warlord Captain Richards has returned to"Heaven Valley" with an army of cyber-soldiers to avengethe death of his son Denny. A storm is coming, and it's made of BLOOD and FISTSNECROSTORM presents スプラッター・アクション最強 DVD BOX [ モニカ・ムノズ ]価格:8228円(税込、送料無料) (2022/1/31時点)楽天で購入NECROSTORM presents スプラッター・アクション最強 Blu-ray BOX【Blu-ray】 [ モニカ・ムノズ ]価格:9416円(税込、送料無料) (2022/1/31時点)楽天で購入