創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!


Feb. 19th 英語星占い


○皆様、こんにちわ。 以下、英語の練習としてご覧下さい: 通信講座の方は、ご自身の星座を訳してみて下さい。これは英語での諸事の表現方法ですね ★お羊座: Emotions are dynamic. ★牡牛座: You could form a lasting agreement. However, difficulties, delays and obstacles come first. ★双子座:You want more stuff than you can afford. ★蟹座  :Be resourceful, be prepared and be ready to navigate fresh waters. ★獅子座:Work to increase business profits. ★乙女座:It is time to present your vision and set a good example.. ★天秤座: Wake up and smell the coffee. Take a good look at what is going on around you. ★蠍座 :Be on the lookout for elves, pixies, brownies, fairies and sprites. ★射手座:Goals. Goals. Goals. Take the initiative to forge ahead. ★山羊座:Spend more time with people who have a different background than you. ★水瓶座:Stay away from those who are two-faced or speak with forked tongue. ★魚座 :Short trips can be frustrating. 【末次通訳事務所】




