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  • Duration=120 M

  • 6,8 / 10 Star

  • Gardner Fox, Joss Whedon

  • Year=2017

  • Directors=Zack Snyder

  • genre=Sci-Fi



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I think this might be Marvel's Best Solo movie since Iron Man or Thor I mean sure it has a few of the traditional MCU Cliches like having the Villain kill his henchmen, and having Badly timed Humor in some moments, but for the most part, they make a lot of choices that make this film more than just a fun Appetizer Popcorn movie. it had Heart, a Good story, a Great cast and it even has a Message to give: if you have Great things, Share it with People and to see one of these films actually attempt this was a genuine surprise for me. and it even gave us the first Best MCU Villain since Loki. I mean sure, we had OTHER good villains besides Loki, but they weren't the kind of villains I would call. Great. Loki was still better than all of them. but Killmonger may have even surpassed him. not only did he have a Great Motive, but he was also pretty much Right about nearly everything he said. and in the end, even after his death, T'Challa makes Eric's dream come true by revealing Wakanda's secrets. even the Love Interest was Decently Written! she wasn't just some chick for the king to Root, she actually did Stuff that progressed the Plot! like saving that last Herb before the rest were burned. had she not done that, the Black Panther cycle would've surely been dead. but yeah Black Panther was way better than I expected. and is the first Solo Marvel movie to have me think of ideas for the Sequel. like: having Doctor Doom be the main villain, showing us what happened to W'kabi before Infinity War, and showing us Even MORE of Wakanda! these are things I want to see happen in the Sequel. and even if the Doom part doesn't become a reality, I'll be there when the Sequel arrives. and I can't wait to see what comes next in this Trilogy! 8/10.

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I saw this movie with my brother on January it was amazing and I love marvel studios now.

Superman: Hey, crazy idea, but how about someone else fights the robot that runs on goddamn kryptonite.

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I've been waiting for a Justice League film to get to the big screen since first opening a comic in my bedroom as a kid and I wasn't disappointed at all. I've no idea what all the critics and naysayers have such a problem with as it's got great characters with interesting background histories who bounce off each other well. There are also wonderful action sequences with some fun moments to lighten up the tension and excitement - something this film delivers in spades. What more could you want from a superhero movie. br>
People, especially critics, need to stop this pointless Marvel/DC contest - they're different universes with different heroes but both deliver in different ways. I've never read a Marvel comic in my life but still enjoyed almost every movie they've released.

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Bad plot

It's the same fight over and over

Just don't watch it, it's not worth it.
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Superman, why on Earth would you go after the one member of the Legion with immediate access to krypyonite.
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Ray fisher is just soo happy with this. He signed the contract to play one of the most famous superhero and hoping that this would boost his popularity and career. especially when the snyder's original vision, cyborg was meant to be the heart of the movie. It's very tragic to see justice league just get butchered, along with cyborg as a character was being cut off just like that. I'm happy for him.

In the words of the great Peanut: Polish a turd, It's still a turd.
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Wonder woman: I think that was beautiful 😂😂.
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Is this movie connected to the young justice to show in any way? Their art styles are very similar...

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4:15 soooo Cyborg is Pro Abortion. Who knew.

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5 reasons why the Snyder Cut will be successful. 1. Watchmen: Directors Cut and BVS: Ultimate Edition were Snyder directed movies that improved over their theatrical versions. 2. Cyborg will have a much better character arc and much Superman will have a better resurrection story than in Josstice League. 3. Darkseid, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter appearing will make for incredible “holy sh*t” geek out moments. 4. Snyder‘s versions of Batman and Superman were taken a lot more seriously than Whedons, so his version of the film will be as well. 5. HBO Max will get a lot of subscribers and The Snyder Cut will get a lot of viewers, so it will benefit the streaming service and the DCEU.

Aquaman says something about the other Justice League members with the Lasso of Truth. 1. Batman: Has no superpowers. 2. Cyborg: Might be working with Steppenwolf. 3. Flash: Trips over his feet. 4. Wonder Woman: Thinks she's gorgeous.

So since we wont get this anymore Im gonna tell you his vision he wanted for DCEU We all know about Justice League 1 so well skip that story At the end of justice league 1 Darksied was suppose to appear at the end (a little premature should have done it in justice league 2 as a teaser) But he attacks in Justice 2 the heros try to fight and they fail and many die Superman turns evil for darksied to keep things in order and we get a kinda injustice theme whatever obviously the team gets back after unknown events in Justice 2 Then in Justice 3 they fight and end up killing darksied (or imprison him as a new god cant die... kinda it depends) And Flash has to go back in time creating a flashpoint kinda like the animated movies warning Bruce like in Justice 1 and creating a new branch of where the heros win If you want a more in-depth story I recommend watching Justice League Dark: Apokloips that movie was created by the vision of Zack but with their own twist and story (because we have teen titans and other heros that werent introduced.

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Imagine when we see Barry runn from the omega beams, he instead runs into the speed force and meets the Barry Allen from the TV show.
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That skin texture makes my skin crawl X. 1:21.
Fan made guys, it's a fan made not the real one.
I just saw the movie today and it was really good my dad also liked it too that part when the car exploded and the girl was still in her driving peose that was funny.
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They should have used some of that money to buy a good plot. The movie was less about the story and more about just a reason to get everyone together. Lines were cheesy and there was no substance. Big disappointment.

“No fuss, no muss... ” where I have I heard that before. oh right. Tony Stark: “Well find the cube. No muss, no fuss.” —Avengers Well someone got sloppy.
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0:43 is after Barry just saved iris from what seems to be an explosion.
Zods gonna be tough to follow up with jeez his role was portrayed to well. “ I Will Find Him. ” I got chills the first time I saw that scene. And he actually found him lol but maybe do like Mongul with lex as a side villain solidifying his presence and a reoccurring role like Loki then a third movie with lex and a team up with like metallo, like lex Luther in the lex armor and end it with the intro of brainiac.




Last updated  2020.06.13 03:10:30
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