英語5分間トレーニング 徹底活用学習ブログ


私の選ぶ「シャル・ウィ・ダンス」ベスト4  My top 4 of "Shall We Dance?" 

English Diary/英語日記(67)

Here's my top 4 dancers of "Shall We Dance?", which was finished broadcasting yesterday. The top 4 / Mrs. Yukiji Asaoka I wrote about her dancing on this blog after I saw her on the show. Her cha-cha was so lightly with a cheerful smile, and her tango was sexy and full of the atmosphere of mature lady. She showed us how much she enjoyed dancing herself and that made me feel happy. And it still gave me a kind of shock that she was over 70 years old. I was impressed by her dancing and I made up my mind that I would keep dancing like her till my elder age. The top 3 / Mrs. Yu Hayami. Her dance encouraged me greatly. That was because I got to know that she'd got her foot broken a few years ago and she had been just taken off the bolt which had connected her bones about ten months before she danced. When I saw her dancing on TV, I was on my bed having supper in the hospital. A week before, I got my thigh leg broken during my jazz dance lesson and I got surgery on it. In my thigh bone, I had a long bolt to connect my bones, and still I have. Every doctors and nurses gave their words that I would be able to walk, run and spend normal daily life after some rehabilitation. But, having stayed on the bed in the hospital, my most dreadful thought was that I might never be able to dance again like before. That thought really made me sick, sometimes frightened. So, Mrs.Hayami's strong will that she never gave up practicing dancing and her really elegant dance encouraged me greatly on that day. Her dance let me dream of appearing on dancing stage someday. I really appreciated her. These are my top 4 and 3. It's a quater to 2:00 a.m. So I think I should go to bed tonight. Good night, everyone, any my top 2 and 1 are another story.


