いいね! --/--

非常識超越平和理論~Go beyond no common sense~

非常識超越平和理論~Go beyond no common sense~




はじめまして・・・まずこのブログでは、自分なりに考えた平和思想についてや世の中の平和に対する想いを思想の観点から述べていきたいと思います。思想といってもあまりにも漠然としていて何だか分からないと思いますけど、僕も実はよく分かってません・・・(笑)宗教の勉強はかなりしましたけど、思想との違いすらあまりよく分かってません。宗教はどちらかというとすべての人の考え方を統一させて全員で一丸となって世界平和を目指すイメージかと思います。しかし、思想はもっとアバウトで共感する人がいてもいいし、いなくてもいいというもっと幅広い概念だと思います。少しでも世の中よくなればいいな?という平和への想いから生み出された概念であると思います。そして、自分の中では哲学はニーチェ先生が考えた超人思想のように難解でマニアックなものだと捉えてます。思想に比べるともっと範囲は狭くとにかく突き詰めて一つの物事の真相にせまって考えるものだと思います。それに対して、僕が考えたおっぱっぴー平和思想=非常識超越平和思想は、思想と名乗ってますけど、正直どのジャンルに属するかも分からず、ごちゃまぜのブレンド状態だと思います。。(笑)しかも、いくらか学術チックな面もあるのでどちらかというと理論的な部分もあると思います。ですので、非常識超越平和思想というよりかは、むしろ非常識超越平和理論みたいに呼んだ方がいいくらいなのかもしれません( ̄▽ ̄;)なのであまり気になさらず「こういう考え方もあるんだな」くらいで興味のある方だけ読んでいただければ幸いです。




イントロダクション 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- Introduction【English Sub】 - YouTube

English Translation


Hi、my name is KeithU and I'm art thinker.
In this blog, mainly I'd like to introduce my orginal philosophical theory.
Well, at first let me introduce myself briefly.
Let me introduce myself briefly.
I've lived in New York before, so I'm a returnee.
But, I guess I'm developmentally disabled a little bit.
So, I didn't suit the company I've worked before and I gradually started to suffer from mental illness.
After that,  I took a temporary leave of absence, and then I quit the company.
I lost my job and I used to be a bum.
And I became a part time worker or worked from home job.
At that time, I suffered from mental illness and I was an alcoholic,too.
I was worried about my future and had a hard time.
Them, I studied many kind of things like philosophy, politics, and religion.
Those rough times lasted about 10 years and I suddenly happened to come up with this philosophical theory.

I almost tweet everyday and express my opinion.
In twitter, many followers agreed with my thoughts and praised my theory.
But this is the first time I explain my theory in this blog so I'm  just wondering how readers react to my new idea.
So, I'd like to explain as briefly as possible, so that every one could understand.
Well, since my childhood older people and school teachers around me would always say to me like "You should be a scholar" or "There is no way that you could be a businessman."
I was shocked! But that was true,
After starting to work, I felt like I didn't belong to the company, and I started to suffer from depression.
After I quit the company,  I had a dream that I wanted to be a philopher someady.
But I just decided to give up because it would be so difficult for me to be a scholar.
But after that I noticed that I couldn't give up soon.
So, right now I'm trying to express my opinion and spread my theory to the world on the Internet.
I don't intend to change the world or something like that.
But I hope my idea will save someone in the world someday.

At first, the name of this theory is "no common sense transcendence pacifist thought" and let me explain it step by step.
In a word, this theory is a kind of mixture of religion, philosophy and thought.
Even I don't understand it, but I guess this philosophy includes the element of academism so it could be the theory,too.
In my opinion, religion is something like the ideal or ideology that unify everyone's opinion to seek the world peace.
The definition of thought is ambiguous. It's more like wide-ranging concept than a rigid distinction.
So, it doesn't matter if you agree or not. 
Philosophy is a kind of one of the most difficult things to understand and philosophers pursue one thing thoroughly.
But, I just read Friedrich Nietzsche's books a little bit so the experts might say I'm wrong.
I just thought like that after studying those things by myself.
Well, let me explain my theory step by step in the blog.
If you'd agree with me, please subscribe to my channel in You tube,too

Please click the link below to watch the video in You tube.

イントロダクション 非常識超越平和思想 -No common sense transcendence pacifist thought- Introduction【English Sub】 - YouTube


最終更新日  2022.01.20 22:18:03
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