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  • Writer=Sam Mendes

  • 253440 vote

  • Country=USA

  • Synopsis=Its been already three devastating years into the costly World War I, and the Imperial German Army seems to have retreated from their position in the battle-scarred Western Front--an elaborate scheme designed to lure the Allies into a deadly trap. On April 6, 1917--with the lives of 1,600 fellow soldiers hanging by a thread--the best friends and British Army Lance Corporals, Tom Blake and Will Schofield, undertake a peril-laden mission to hand-deliver an urgent, life-saving message to Colonel MacKenzies Second Battalion of the Devonshire line infantry regiment. With this in mind, amid the horrors of an uncannily silent no mans land, the young brothers-in-arms must traverse nine long miles of hostile enemy terrain in the French countryside, to reach the 2nd Devons in time and call off the imminent attack. Now, two ordinary troopers walk into certain death. What makes a true hero?

  • Directed by=Sam Mendes

I just leaned that this is supposed to be a “single shot” film! More excited than ever for this now.
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Great movie. Better win some hardware.


Due giovani soldati britannici durante la prima guerra mondiale hanno una missione impossibile.
So saving private ryan ww1.
Oh my god I cant wait.
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I made a LEGO of the trailer if anyone wants to see it.
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I like that camera movement. There will obviously be cuts but hidden very neatly. Deakins cinematography is gorgeous as always. Bring it on Sam.
Call of duty ww2 😂😂.
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Nobody. Paramount/Tom Cruise: Psst hey kid, want a Top Gun Sequel? Everybody: YES PLEASE.

Another great review by Jeremy. You got the best enegy in your videos. We gave this movie a great score in our review on our channel - this is definitely one of the best movies of the year! Keep up the good work buddy.
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Schofield definitely is gonna die from sticking his cut hand in a dead body.
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I thought the close up of his hat was a Jacklyn Hill lipstick.
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Imagine a paintball site on this set.

All the reals taking film studies know he was in captain fantastic.
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He fails, the trailer already show that

Wouldn't they have sent a squadron of say SE5As over and dropped the order to the ground, would have been a 15 minute flight with no german ground forces to evade...
I finally found a war film that I absolutely love. 1917 is the latest effort from a very quality filmmaker in Sam Mendes. Sam Mendes has never made a film that I didn't like and so seeing a new war film from him was something I was going to welcome with open arms. This film from opening frame is an absolute technical and emotional journey. Its worth a watch in the cinemas while you can and something I am looking to go see again when I can.

The film is about the journey of two British soldiers who are tasked with delivering an important message about an impending German ambush on British forces during Operation Alberich. The soldiers go on a long and dangerous journey in order to stop this massive planned attack. The film stars George McKay, Dean Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Colin Firth, and Benedict Cumberbatch. It is Sam Mendes' first non Bond film since 2009.

The obvious must be stated first. I am a huge fan of long takes. Loved Alfred Hitchcock's Rope which was a pioneer in that technique. Then we had memorable long takes through the years including one of my favorites for Gravity. This entire film is presented as one long take; a riveting continuous shot. It is absolutely incredible and completely contributes to the claustrophobic, frantic, and ever present war setting. Roger Deakins is a legend and needs another Academy Award for his work here. Simply incredible. Everything about the set was realistic. The bodies, dirt, and filth looked so authentic. For two hours you feel like you are in the trenches and in the war field, hearing every shot fired and every roaring plane overhead.

Technically the film is a brilliant achievement. It also composes of an excellent score, one that complements each changing scene in the film. So much went into how the film looks and I love that critics have been appreciating it. I had no problems with the fleeting characters and think the two initial leads and their bond is captured well enough. We are here for the journey which is ever changing and sporadic. Overall, this was an extremely pleasant way to end the year for me. One of the years very best.


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Hopefully an IMAX release in 70mm.
I have to see this movie as my great grandfather died at the Somme when my grandmother was only eight years old.
16:54 Kristen Bell over here looking like the kid from stuart little.
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When youve seen the film and watch this scene again 😬.

Youre a political prisoner Harry

There's one thing I can say for certain. Heroes really do exist. We've just seen one, and now he's coming home. SkyEye, Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies.
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Detroit become human would make for a great movie

One of the coolest trailers of the year.
I feel sad you didn't mention the one shot scene in season 1 of True Detective which is a masterpiece for a tv show.
Mendes’s first world war drama, filmed to appear as one continuous take, plunges the viewer into the trenches alongside two young British soldiers to breathless effect
4 /
5 stars
4 out of 5 stars.
‘Endlessly watchable’: George MacKay, centre, as Lt Corp Schofield in Sam Mendes’s epic 1917.
Photograph: François Duhamel/AP
F or the opening of his 2015 Bond movie Spectre, director Sam Mendes (who won an Oscar for his first feature, American Beauty) mounted a memorable sequence set amid Mexico City’s day of the dead festival. In what appears to be a single continuous shot, the camera tracks a masked figure through crowded streets, into a hotel lobby, up an elevator, out of a window, and over the rooftops to a deadly assignation. It’s an audacious, attention-grabbing curtain-raiser widely hailed as the film’s strongest asset.
For his latest movie – an awards-garlanded first world war drama that has already won best picture honours at the Golden Globes – Mendes has returned to the lure of the “one-shot” format, this time stretching it out to feature length. Like Hitchcock’s Rope or Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Birdman, 1917 uses several takes and set-ups, seamlessly conjoined to give the appearance of a continuous cinematic POV, albeit with periodic ellipses. The result is a populist, immersive drama that leads the viewer through the trenches and battlefields of northern France, as two young British soldiers attempt to make their way through enemy lines on 6 April 1917.
George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman are perfectly cast as Schofield and Blake, the lance corporals enlisted to venture into enemy territory with a message for fellow troops poised to launch a potentially catastrophic assault. The Germans have made a “strategic withdrawal”, suggesting that they are on the run. In fact they’re lying in wait, armed and ready to repel the planned British push. Together, these young soldiers must reach their comrades and halt the attack – a race against time and insurmountable odds.
With meticulous attention to detail (plaudits to production designer Dennis Gassner) and astonishingly fluid cinematography by Roger Deakins that shifts from ground level to God’s-eye view, Mendes puts his audience right there in the middle of the unfolding chaos. There’s a real sense of epic scale as the action moves breathlessly from one hellish environment to the next, effectively capturing our reluctant heroes’ sense of anxiety and discovery as they stumble into each new unchartered terrain. This is nail-biting stuff, interspersed with genuine shocks and surprises. Whether it’s a tripwire moment that provokes an audible gasp, a distant dogfight segueing into up-close-and-personal horror, or a single gunshot that made me jump out of my seat during an otherwise near-silent sequence, there’s no doubting the film’s theatrical impact.
Watch a trailer for 1917
Yet for all the steel-trap visceral efficiency, it’s the more low-key moments that really pack a punch – those moments when we’re confronted with the simple human cost of war. As with Peter Jackson’s monumentally moving documentary They Shall Not Grow Old, 1917 works best when showing us the boyish face of this conflict; the pitiable plight of a young generation, old or lost before their time. It’s a quality perfectly captured by MacKay’s endlessly watchable eyes, which manage simultaneously to project ravaged innocence and world-weary exhaustion – fatalism and hope.
“Hope is a dangerous thing, ” says Benedict Cumberbatch’s Colonel MacKenzie, just one of a number of small roles filled by high-profile actors happy to play second fiddle. It’s a line that mirrors the central refrain from The Shawshank Redemption, another humanist movie tinged with horror that seems to haunt Mendes and Krysty Wilson-Cairns’ script. There are evocations, too, of Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan, not only in the unflinching depiction of battlefield violence, but also in a plot device that sets soldiers searching for a brother in a desperate quest for redemption. In one of its more surreal (or perhaps transcendent) sequences, wherein a purgatorial night-time underworld is illuminated in a yellow phosphorescent haze, I was unexpectedly reminded of a dream scene from Waltz With Bashir, in which young men rise from the water, like ghosts walking among the living.
Throughout this Homeric odyssey, Thomas Newman’s pulsing score ratchets up the tension, travelling “up the down trench”, through the body-strewn carnage of no man’s land (a forest of wood and wire, bone and blood) and into the eerie environs of deserted farmhouses and bombed-out churches. Occasionally, we hear echoes of the rising crescendo of Hans Zimmer’s Dunkirk score; elsewhere, Newman’s cues are full of piercing melancholia mingled with distant threat.
In a film in which music plays such a crucial role, it’s significant that perhaps the most powerful scene is an interlude of song. Emerging from a river after a baptismal episode of death and rebirth, we find ourselves in a wood where a young man sings The Wayfaring Stranger. It’s an interlude that brings the characters and audiences together in silence, communally experiencing that still-small voice of calm that lies at the heart of so many great war movies.

Went to see this on Sunday and not one person spoke whilst the film was on. Great film.
Co to kurva zase je za debilitu.
The cinematography in this film is the future of film.
Critics Consensus
Hard-hitting, immersive, and an impressive technical achievement, 1917 captures the trench warfare of World War I with raw, startling immediacy.
Total Count:
Audience Score
Verified Ratings: 30, 239
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Movie Info
At the height of the First World War, two young British soldiers, Schofield (Captain Fantastic's George MacKay) and Blake (Game of Thrones' Dean-Charles Chapman) are given a seemingly impossible mission. In a race against time, they must cross enemy territory and deliver a message that will stop a deadly attack on hundreds of soldiers--Blake's own brother among them.
R (for violence, some disturbing images, and language)
Directed By:
Written By:
In Theaters:
Jan 10, 2020
On Disc/Streaming:
Mar 10, 2020
110 minutes
Universal Pictures
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  • Publisher: Soldier 1917
  • Resume: @BreakingBad- Melhor serie da historia @SantosFC- Maior clube da historia (⚪⚫) @LFC- Segundo maior clube da historia (🔴🔴🔴)




Last updated  2020年04月05日 17時55分05秒
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