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Action, Thriller

country: USA

Cast: Michael Caine

Year: 2008

scores: 2202786 Vote

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Heath Ledger is the reason I started loving The Joker.
This is legit my favorite movie and movie scene of all time! Nolans work goes above and beyond my expectations every time. Who else agrees.
1:45 - 90 seconds remaining 3:15 - application complete That's some damn concise and precise editing.

Wish real justice was that effective, deliquency would drop down. real world, those guys would charge Batman for hurting their b...
Online »»».
Still the best superhero entrance in a movie. Noobs will say it's Thor.
At 0:30 if you listen closely, you can hear someone say damn.
Tamsos riteris sugrizimas.
Why's he running, Dad? Because we have to chase him. He didn't do anything wrong. Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian...
If they played this on heath ledgers funeral he would come back to life.

2:55 foreshadowing to Infinity War

I hope Heath Ledger's back is alright after carrying this whole movie.
Banes intelligence is just ridiculous. First off: he cripples Gordon to ensure the moronic side of the force is in command. Second: Executes the Stock Market Raid to perfection knowing full well that if Batman shows up, the police will go after him instead. Third: Removes his hostage and fearlessly goes past both Batman and squad cars then cloaks himself in the darkness using his underling with a hostage and the ipad thingy for bait. So then he gets catwoman to bring batman to a cage match, Batman gets wrecked, removed from Gotham, and with that, nobodys smart or well enough to counter Banes plan to trap all police force underground. It was all flawless until Gordon got back on his feet and Batman came back to gotham once more.

The intensity Hans zimmer delivered to every scene through his tracks. just sends shivers down my spine.

5:07 gets me every time.

I love that streach he does when getting up from the crash. It's like he's healing because that wreck would hurt a normal ATHLETIC man.

I think my favorite part of this is that this plan is practically flawless on the part of the Joker. Got them off their designated path, trapped them and forced them down a particular route, made sure they couldn't stop following that route by using that garbage truck to force them to keep them moving, took out all of the other SWAT and Police vehicles well before he exposed himself, and had all the necessary firepower to kill them all if he wanted to. If Batman didn't show up, then he would've gotten Harvey and Gordon in this scene. A part of me does wonder what would happen if the Joker did catch Harvey and Gordon here. If we're going by later scenes, specifically the one at the hospital, the Joker makes it clear that he doesn't really know what he'd do if he caught one of them. He doesn't have some grand plan, he just does things that he knows will cause more chaos and panic.

The most thing i like about the whole movie is the joker revenge on this guy i hated him just because he hated the joker for no reason when they met for the first time and he said that the joker is a freak and why so serious phrase has came to the right person 😂😂😂.

Watching this for the million time and I think I just realized that Selina is wearing Martha's pearls necklace.
I just noticed now, that the left side wheel attaches itself to the bike during the ejection. 0:15 Can't believe I never noticed that before, saw the movie about 5 times.
This is one of the best trilogies of all time.
I remember when I was in the theater back in 2012 the music gave me the chills. It was amazing! 0:57 this is the definitive Batman theme track (Molossus-by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard) no other can top it imo. Though I would say Aggressive Expansion is my absolute favorite track from the entire trilogy. Edit: Happy Batman Day peeps September 21, 2019.
Gamble never died tho😂😂😂😂.
The cinematography is beautiful, it's shot like a true film, not some action flick. The writing is deep and nearly poetic at times.

I'm glad I got to see this at the midnight showing at 18. I remember the cheers in the theater when Batman clotheslined the truck. My father saw Empire Strikes back in theaters and I got to see this. As a fan of cinema this was a marker. Every film fan has one legendary movie they are proud to see in theaters.
(Why so) Seriously the most exceptional soundtrack ever recorded; intriguing and inspiring! 🦇.
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Whats the one song they play when something scary happens? I genuinely forget what it sounds like and it pisses me off.

There is one thing that marvel will never top off ever. The music. Hans Zimmers score in all three movies just make it unbeatable compared to the crap Marvel calls “music”.

Late Heath Ledger acted the Joker's role to the max, there is no actor that can attain it, period.
Joker: Aw, can you give me a minute? Best line ever from Joker.

Christopher Nolan. Hans Zimmer. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Literally every single scene in the Dark Knight is memorable.














Last updated  2020.05.19 10:10:18
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