待ちかねのラグビーシーズン到来です。先週末の三連休は高知のTeam Funさんとの交流試合のため、四国まで遠征に行って来ました。今年で5回目となる対戦で4連勝中ですのでやはり勝って、5連勝としたい相手です。
At last, our rugby season has started. Last weekend, we took advantage of the long weekend to travel to Kochi and renew our 5-year battle with the local Team Fun. Taking a 4 match winning streak, we really wanted to win and make it a round 5 wins. でも練習は10月から始まったばかりですので、連携が上手くいくかどうか、フィットネスが持つかどうか色々不安も会っての試合ですが我がチームの新人(40歳で息子がジュニアー部での活躍を見て自分もラグビーを始めた人)の活躍で17-5の勝利でした。 But we only started training in October and there were concerns over our coordination and fitness. Thanks in a large degree to a contribution from our newest player (a 40 year-old man who had never played rugby before but joiined the club after seeing how much fun his son was having in the junior section), we came home with a 5th win under our belts. 僕は今シーズン、チームの最初のトライを挙げ、先の新人が生まれて初めてのトライを取り、良いことずくめの週末でした。 I was lucky enough to score our club's first try of the season and this newcomer scored his first-ever try. It was a great weekend. 月末は横浜でYC&ACとの交流試合を控えていますので練習に力が入ると思います。 We will now start training in earnest for our month-end match against YC&AC up in Yokohama. 老体をあまりいじめることなく、自然体で頑張ります。 Keeping the damage to this aging body to a minimum, I will do my best to contribute to the team. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう