I've gotten a driving licence!
Today I woke up early and went to a driving school at 9 o'clock so as to take the paper test for a driver's license.Unfortunately, the examination application was accepted between 10:00-11:30 ,and the exam started at 12:45.(I didn't have my lunch.)That's why I had to wait so long,and I was hungry and sleepy. This exam is much easier than the exams of pharmaceutial subjects ,so I could pass the exam.However there is a girl who has the same name,birthday,and age as me,and she's already have a driving licence.That's why,police officer thought she would like to have two licences,but she isn't me! Therefore I had to explain the fact,and had to wait a little. Today I waited and waited...It took about 7 hours to get a driving licence.I'm so tired. hehe.というわけで、拙い英語で申し訳ございません。免許ようやくGETです。時間かかりました。1発合格ですが、6月に卒検受かってから忙しくて全然行けなかったんです。学校に試験に短期語学研修にいってましたから。今日から勉強モードに突入です。今まで甘い夢を見ていたような気分でしたが、後期からは重い現実が待ってます…。ケンブリッジから帰ってきて毎日MSNで友達と話していたら、時差の関係で夜中まで起きていてちっとも時差惚けが治りません早急に直さねば。