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Bong Joon Ho.
The Kims - mother and father Chung-sook and Ki-taek, and their young adult offspring, son Ki-woo and daughter Ki-jung - are a poor family living in a shabby and cramped half basement apartment in a busy lower working class commercial district of Seoul. Without even knowing it, they, especially Mr. and Mrs. Kim, literally smell of poverty. Often as a collective, they perpetrate minor scams to get by, and even when they have jobs, they do the minimum work required. Ki-woo is the one who has dreams of getting out of poverty by one day going to university. Despite not having that university education, Ki-woo is chosen by his university student friend Min, who is leaving to go to school, to take over his tutoring job to Park Da-hye, who Min plans to date once he returns to Seoul and she herself is in university. The Parks are a wealthy family who for four years have lived in their modernistic house designed by and the former residence of famed architect Namgoong. While Mr. and Mrs. Park are all about status, Mrs. Park has a flighty, simpleminded mentality and temperament, which Min tells Ki-woo to feel comfortable in lying to her about his education to get the job. In getting the job, Ki-woo further learns that Mrs. Park is looking for an art therapist for the Parks adolescent son, Da-song, Ki-woo quickly recommending his professional art therapist friend "Jessica", really Ki-jung who he knows can pull off the scam in being the easiest liar of the four Kims. In Ki-woo also falling for Da-hye, he begins to envision himself in that house, and thus the Kims as a collective start a plan for all the Kims, like Ki-jung using assumed names, to replace existing servants in the Parks employ in orchestrating reasons for them to be fired. The most difficult to get rid of may be Moon-gwang, the Parks housekeeper who literally came with the house - she Namgoongs housekeeper when he lived there - and thus knows all the little nooks and crannies of it better than the Parks themselves. The question then becomes how far the Kims can take this scam in their quest to become their version of the Parks.
average Ratings 9,4 of 10.
Country South Korea.
2 h 12 minute

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☼☼ zdf mediathek heute show

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This is how you do a trailer. don't reveal anything.
We will give you the link to watch Parásito movie.
When the door got opened i really feel unsettled, just damnnnn.

Why did the bus have to pass by at that precise moment, they didnt really elaborate. 🤔

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Watch trailers for the movie Parásito online you can for free in good quality.
This movie is a MASTERPIECE, however we know that all those BUMS from Hollywood will attempt to a steal the best picture award from it. I'm encouraging everyone to watch this movie.
No ones gonna say it. 🤔 I will. thanks for not waiting for this movie to win Oscars to watch it. *cough cough* jeremy jahns * cough cough* 🙃.
Watch Parásito online free at ultra fast data transfer rate, virus-free access and easy steps to watch movies with maximum speed.

3:08 Do people still get TB TB patients in Indonesia: Am i a joke to you.
Just stayed up till 4am when I gotta work in the morning. Amazing film, truly. Well deserved Oscars and a well put together story. Kept me on edge and fully awake not wanting till turn it off. bravo 👏🏻.
Im excited to watch this. Hopefully my girl agrees.
Hollywood: movie without showing storyline impossible Parasite: hold my WiFi.
This was one of the best films in 2019 in my opinion. There wasn't a single moment where the film became boring or felt like a scene was out of place. It was beautifully spaced out with enough suspense to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. The cinematography was one of the best parts of the film. I highly recommend watching the movie before knowing anything about it! also, this movie should not be restricted to the foreign category in award shows. Like the director, Bong Joon Ho stated, there is only one language; CINEMA.

This movie was a flawless masterpiece

HEVC was designed with the idea that progressive scan video would be used and no coding tools were added specifically for interlaced video.
Okay but the ending of this movie got me crying in the club.
This sequence was the one that sold the entire movie worldwide.
Now I call this a perfect imPEACHment.
Parasite = because they take advantage of a host. Enriching themselves at the cost of the other party. Nice trailer 👌🏻👍🏻.
Me: Oh look a movie I probably won't have time to see in theaters Chris Stuckman: A+ Me: Looks up show times.
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最終更新日  2020年05月14日 05時11分19秒
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