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8,8 of 10 /
release date 1999 /
Liked it 1601702 Vote /
Country USA /
genres Sci-Fi /
Duration 136M







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This one got everything: an awesome cast, good director's to handle the film and a plot that really makes you wonder of what's going on in the film (and in this world. When I first saw the trailer, I thought "Oh, once again one of these popcorn-boom-boom-actioneers. I was wrong. All pictures from the trailer appeared within the last 20-30 mins; the "rest" of the movie was pretty quite instead. And that is exactly what this movie makes so good: It is not the typical "Hero-saves-world" stuff; it is the story, the plot that catches you and takes you deeper and deeper into this topic that our reality might be a perfect illusion. When I attended school we had the issue of "What is considered to be real" in our philosophy-lessons and it really sucked. This movie offers a way to follow the ideas it shows.

So on the one hand you have a disturbing and scaring plot and on the other hand you have techniques of making films that offer you a view into the next millenium. I have never seen so beautiful pictures, none have I seen so cool special fx (Bullet Time) or such a perfect green-screen keying. There are not many movies that I've seen twice; this one I saw five times (until now.

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The Matrix is a movie that has done its "historic homework" so to speak) and has given us a frightening view of the future if we continue to depend so much on computers. The special effects are top notch, especially during the fight scenes and so is the acting. Newcomer Carrie-Anne Moss delivers the role of Trinity with enough attitude and sympathy to fit the part perfectly. Keanu Reeves improves his somewhat hit-and-miss resumé with another gem and excellent role (as Neo) that will open more doors for him and perhaps give him more respect as an actor. Finally, Laurence Fishburne gives his role as Morpheus enough seriousness and intellect to once again display his broad range of acting ability. Overall, The Matrix is a sci-fi romp "think" flick that deserves not to be missed.

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Last updated  2020.05.16 03:12:10
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