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いいね! --/--















cast - Harry Melling, Charlize Theron

Leandro Fernandez

1 Hours 58 m

Gina Prince-Bythewood

Genres - Fantasy




My husband's grandfather just celebrated his 100th birthday and is the eldest living Sentinel. He's flying down in May for a private ceremony and the opportunity to see his name placed in its rightful spot on the wall. Grandpa Jack definitely has tons of interesting stories to tell.
You are all Generals, in my eyes and heart. Carry on. Ex-Top Gun, Call Sign Sun Devil.

Charlize Theron looks so dope in this movie

2:30 when youre french and are tired of being told you surrender all the time.
The action seems slow and clumsy.
How to scary the english.
Who else wants this movie to be iTunes.
Is there anyway we can get a MP3 of this.
When you are about to win against Wellington then blucher and the Prussians pull up with the cavalry.
Hahaha. With that cameo, you get a like from me.

Its crazy that an old and sickly Napoleon beat Wellington down handily and the general mass actually believes that Wellington won by himself. He was literally saved at the last minute by Blücher. Dude was actually praying for Blücher to show up to save his ass. 💀😂 No disrespect to Wellington though. He was a fantastic military commander and did extremely well considering his circumstances, but it cannot be overstated how much he was saved by Blücher at Waterloo.

Given that there was no CGI here - can you imagine the cost of all those uniforms

My my, at Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender. Well, he didn't actually surrender at Waterloo. ABBA lied to us...
War Sucks. you sure look cool in a Uniform.
I'm excited for this movie I read The comic series so I really enjoyed. I hope they do get close enough to Source material do it justice because it's a really cool comics series. Fingers crossed the trailer looks really good.
I'm ready for this.
3:07 Fact of the campaign: Blücher led a cavalry charge at the ripe age of 72, had his horse shot from under him, and had to run half a mile to avoid capture by the french with a greatcoat over his uniform to hide his medals. Absolute mad lad.

Rod Steiger was such a brilliant character actor. He never simply phoned in a performance.
Awesome movie, awesome score.
“The Old Guard never surrenders, but dies with honor.”.
What a GREAT bunch of Guards!  REAL SHARP.
For those who may have some questions, here is a bit of info I found interesting: It takes a special kind of person to be a guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 1. How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why? 21 steps... It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary. 2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walk and why? 21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1. 3. Why are his gloves wet? His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the rifle. 4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time, and if not, why not? He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb. After his march across the path, he executes an about face, and moves the rifle to the outside shoulder. 5. How often are the guards changed? Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. 6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to? For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must be between 5' 10 and 6' 2 tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30. Other requirements of the Guard: They must commit 2 years of their life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for the rest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tomb in any way. After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only 400 presently worn. The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their lives or give up the wreath pin. The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt. There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror. The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor watch TV. All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred. Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis {the boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier of WWII} of Hollywood fame. Every guard spends five hours a day getting his uniforms ready for guard duty. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that, because of the dangers from Hurricane Isabelle approaching Washington DC, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment. They respectfully declined the offer, No way, Sir! Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a service person. Funny, that our US Senate/House took 2 days off, saying that they couldn't work because of the expected storm. The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.

So wolverine again.
Honestly there isn't enough appreciation for the fact the Russians burnt down THEIR OWN GOD DAMN CAPITAL CITY to beat Napoleon. What? Oh that's not our most important city, that's a pile of ash, enjoy the winter.
I have been in this position before in the Battle of Marengo! I lost the battle at five o'clock, but I won it BACK AGAIN at SEVEN. The frustration in his voice is palpable. Such intensity.
All quiet on the Western front I highly suggest it.
Just imagine if those people will be injected a some sort of metal into their bones... fast healing plus a metal bones? a claws? well. 🤣.

This looks quite good! I havent read the comic but from the look of the trailer I think it will be a great watch! 😁 Plus theres good casting there 😄.
You can never find a good server like this on Mount & blade.
We're doing murder your grace ouch Great line, great scene, in the best war films there aren't heroes, just survivors and the men of honor usually feel sick afterwards.
Every thing is 21 seconds.





最終更新日  2020年08月10日 10時40分55秒
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