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  1. Duration=3 h 1Min

  2. genre=Adventure, Action

  3. Release Year=2019

  4. actor=Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr

  5. USA

  6. average rating=9,3 / 10





A box office success, sure, not based on its merits though but rather that of its predecessors. Visually spectacular as we've come to expect from the Avengers franchise (and the only reason for the stars) otherwise unnecessarily long, bordering on boring and full of plot holes. A few endearing scenes and one major scene were the only semi-redeeming factors. Otherwise just SO SO disappointing * SOB.

1:52 there is 3 shots of nebula😂.
The movie is not very good, special effects at the limit of viewable, iron girl and hulk that are really horrible at times

An actor's mess misorder throughout the film, script facilities or the fact that the film does not even respect the rules he may have laid on his world, the script is extremely predictable, the jokes are not very funny, thor will still remain a nice surprise, but unfortunately no one in the room could take him seriously afterwards for more serious scenes, people began to laugh during sad scenes or wanted serious scenes.

Captain marvel is unbearable and is only there to serve as a deus ex machina, or a ridiculous feminist scenes that cut in the middle of an action scene, really misplaced, even seems like the scene was shot after the fact.

Characters who literally have 5min of screentime.

And the end fight, the end fight is so much of a disappointment, can you imagine an incredible scene that will decide the fate of the earth?

No just a scene trying to put as much marvel characters possible on screen and 90% of the time you'll just see them running.

The movie clearly doesn't deserve 9 out of 10 and 3 hours to tell its story? Infinity war had surprised me despite some mistakes that can be found on this one, but endgame is even less well written and ordered than infinity war.

Anyway, if this movie should end this rather average movie series, well, it will end up on a bad note.

0:19 Classic Rocket Raccoon.
Osvetnici: ZavrÅnicaragua.
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I can't believe that we completed 1 year of this iconic movie.
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Totally worth a watch and it caps the series off well but it's pacing is a bit erratic for my tastes.

It'll be interesting to see what comes in the new phases. I won't say more because this movie deserves to have none of the secrets spoiled.

Go see it guys.
Iron Mans death in Endgame was 3000 times more emotional than Supermans death in Batman v Superman.
Osvetnici završnica hbo.


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This movie will be 3hrs long. Some ppl will need to pee. But Not Us NOT US WHATEVER IT TAKES.
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Had a lot going on. Expected a lot more emotions to be evoked. Left me asking for more in a negative way.

Moved too fast. Other than the fight scene, which envoked the feel cause of its grandeur, nothing actually makes a lasting impact on you.

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La musique a partir de 1:17 est ouf 😍.
The half part is boring, and its not really fun to see so many super hero, not a really good inspiring story or no story at all. Glad it finally ends.
This scene still gives me a weird vibe, Ive never felt such joy ever in m life. Like the hype for the movie, and it was so good. And then the music kicks in and you almost cry of happiness. Damn I cant explain the feeling, that I just want to feel that for the very first time again, just one time.
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Don't know why nobody is thinking that RAT who helped Ant-Man to come out😁.
Someone said “its not his fault” when Starlord came out 😂.
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Last updated  2020年06月06日 10時25分16秒
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