ここに来て3ヶ月弱。韓国に引越す直前に、まるで「高校生?」(私は童顔なんで、実年齢よりもいつも年下にみられるんです(悲))という限界ギリギリまで切った髪も、今ではちょうどいいカンジにまで伸びました。韓国では髪を切れないかもしれない覚悟で、来る前に思い切り限界に挑んだのに・・・伸びるの早くない?!さて、これからこの髪型をどうするか・・・・選択肢は3つ。1.勇気を出して韓国の美容院初デビューをするか(ただ、私の韓国語が片言なので意思の疎通がうまくいくかどうかわからないため、失敗も要覚悟!) 2.年末に一時帰国するので、その時まで切るのは我慢 3.いっそのこと伸ばすか しばらく考えたけど、髪型の失敗を恐れる小心者のわたし・・・(悲)やっぱり今は選択肢2でいこうっと・・・(苦笑)そんなことを考えていたら、tenneママ&tenneババが韓国に遊びに来ました。彼らの泊まるホテルは釜山の日本語の通じるホテル。そこで、「ここの理容室に行けば、髪を切るだけだし、日本語も通じるし」と思い、勇気を出して行ってみました。そしたら、日本語の通じない韓国人しかいませんでした。ガーン!そう思うのもつかの間、向こうから「意思疎通ができないので、髪は切れません」と言われあっけなく門前払い。仕方なくtenneママ達の部屋に戻り、tenneママ達に事情説明。こうなったら、「仕方ない!」と覚悟を決め、自分一人では髪を切れないのでtenneママに懇願して髪を切ってもらいました。親に髪を切ってもらうなんて何十年ぶりだろう??「私は床屋じゃないわよ!」と文句を言われながら、切られる方も内心、「失敗されたらとんでもないよ!」とビクビクしながら切られてました。おかげさんで、tenneママは手先がとても器用なので、とても上手に切ってもらえました。また「高校生」に逆戻り~(苦笑)でも、いいんです。とんでもない髪型になるよりは・・だけど、早く髪を切ってもらえる所を大邱でもみつけないといけないなぁ~
I have been living in Daegu for almost 3 months. Before I came to Korea, I went for a haircut. I had my haircut to a limit where everyone will say, "Are you in highschool?". Since I have a very boyish face, everyone guesses my age younger than my real age. Anyways, my hair has grown pretty long now. I had an haircut to a limit but my hair is growing pretty fast?! Now, what should I do with my hair?? I have 3 choices. 1. Go cut my hair at a beauty salon in Korea( I must keep in mind that I might have a chance of getting a bad haircut! because I can speak and understand very little Korean) 2.Wait until we go home for the holidays at the end of December, go get an haircut then. 3.Just let it grow. I thought about it for a while.... My decision, I'll just go with choice 2 because I'm just a chicken who just can't stand a bad haircut! But soon after I was thinking of this, my mom and grandma paid me a visit in Korea. They were staying in a hotel in Busan, where Japanese was understood. So I had an idea! "It's only a haircut, if I use a hair salon in the hotel, Japanese would be understood and there would be no trouble at all." But that was all wrong! There were only non Japanese speaking Koreans at the hair salon. I was in a shock for a moment. But before I made my next move, they said to me that they won't cut my hair because they,too didn't want to get in any trouble because of a misunderstanding. So I went back to our room and explained what happened. Then I said to myself, "Well, no choice!" I begged to my mom to cut my hair because I can't cut the back of my hair by myself. How many years has it been since mom cut my hair? She was saying, "I'm not a barber, you know!!" but I was saying to myself, "Please mother, no bad haircut!!" and I was bit scared as she was cutting my hair. Thanks to my mom with good hands, I got a decent haircut that looks o.k. and normal. I'm back to looking like a highschool student, but that'so.k.,because it's alot better than a bad haircut! But I need to find a good hair salon in Daegu, sometime soon!