今日は夕方から日韓合同新年会。戻って来て早々、久々に仲間達との集まりです。ささいなことから始まった日韓合同の会も最近では定期的な行事になり、とてもうれしく思います。今後もこの調子で、どんどん仲間を増やして続いていけばいいなぁ~ Tonight is Japanese-Korean New Year Party. It's our first get together with our friends since we've been back. We're happy to see our friends. It all started with a small reason, but Japanese- Korean get together is becoming one of the monthly event now. We're very happy about it, too. We hope that this will continue on as newcomers join us. 昨夜の幹事、いとさんから早速写真が届いたのでそのままUP!します。 Last night's party leader,Itosan gave us pictures of the New Year Party last night. Here it is! 日韓合同新年会 in 大邱 ☆友人カップルからの嬉しい報告☆ ☆Good News from our friends☆ 昨夜、いつも仲良くしてもらっている韓国人カップルが我が家へ遊びにきました。遊びに行ってもいいか?と電話がかかってきた時に、その他にも仕事やいろんな事を相談したいと言われたので、「なんだろう??」と思っていました。hiroroが帰宅して、さぁ、みんなでカレーを食べようとしたところ、「私達、本当に結婚することになりました」と嬉しい報告をしてくれました。最近、身近に明るい話題がないので、私達にとってはすごくいい報告で嬉しかった。 Last night, our good Korean couple friends came to visit us. When our friends called us to ask us, if they can come over, hey were saying things like they really need to talk serious about their job and etc.. We were wondering what it was all about. When hiroro came home and we were ready to eat curry rice for dinner, they surprised us with a happy news. They told us that they were going to get married soon! It has been a while to hear such a happy news around us, we were very happy!! Jクン&Kさん、本当におめでとう!! 幸せな明るい家庭を築いて、末永くお幸せに~!! 仕事もうまく軌道にのることを願っています。 Dear J & K, We're so happy to hear that you're going to get married. Congradulations! and May you be happy together forever. We hope your job goes on on the right track! お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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