今回の引越しは前回とは違って、二人とも働いているので話し合って、引越しの 分担を事前に決めました。なので、今回の出張の合間に向こうでできる雑用を hiroroにもやってもらいます。 今回は事前に管理人さんにお願いしている合鍵の受け取りと新居の害虫駆除をバルサンでしておくこと、ゴミ袋を先に買っておいてくれることを頼んでいます。ゴミ袋も昔は全国共通でしたが、今では各市町村ごとにゴミ袋が指定されています。引越しをしたら、まず出るのが大量のゴミ!なので、ゴミ袋を事前に買っておいてもらうだけでも、当日の手間がはぶけます。 hiroroが向こうで雑用してくれている間もこちらはこちらで、乱歩とお留守番を しながら、ひたすら梱包作業です。 引越しまであと2週間弱。今のところは計画通りに動けているので この調子で無事に引越しが終えられることを願うのみです。 From today until the coming weekend, hiroro will be gone away on the business trip to the new city that we are moving soon. This time's moving differs from the last time we had moved. Since we are both working, we discussed about our moving plans and we decided upon who will be in charge of certain things concerning our moving. So during his spare time on his business trip this time, I have asked him to do few things while he is there. I asked him to get the house keys from the owner because I have already made arrangements to do so. I also asked him to exterminate insects in our new home and buy garbage bags beforehand. When I was little all garbage bags were the same nation wide. But nowadays you must buy garbage bags that is certified by the city that you live in. When one moves, there will be many garbages to throw away. If the garbage bags are bought beforehand, that is alot of help because it saves time. While hiroro is busy doing errands, I'll be home alone with Rampo and I, too will be busy still packing. Less than 2 weeks until we move. So far everything is going well as we had planned. We just hope that it'll be kept that way until we finish moving. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
[Moving] カテゴリの最新記事