今日は1日、最後の荷造りの追い込み。 昨日は仕事で学位授与式に出れなかったインフルエンザにかかった 学生が窓口に殺到! インフルエンザならわざわざ窓口まで来なくてもと思いつつ、 なるべく適度な距離を置いて対応。 この街に引っ越してきた日も部屋が片付いた途端、高熱出して倒れたら インフルエンザだったんだよなぁ~。 今回は休む間もないから、頼むからインフルエンザにだけはかからないで! と自分で自分に暗示をかけてます。 あ~、怒涛の日々の幕開けです。 Tommorow morning, our things will be moved out by the movers. And today is the last day to pack,too. Yesterday, there were many graduating students viiting my office. They were there because the all had influenza and they couldn't attend the graduation ceremony. If one has an influenza, don't come to the office at all!, I thought as I took care of what they needed. But I took a good distance, so I don't get it myself. The first day we moved to this city, and just as I had finished putting things all away, I had a high fever. And I had an influenza. I have no time to rest, so I tell myself,I can't get sick from influenza this time. Ah, it's the start of our chaotic days! お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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