カテゴリ:Working Housewife
徒歩5分以内で大学のキャンパスへ続く大通りに出て、その両側にはいろいろなお店があります。コンビニ数件から本屋、ゲーム屋、美容院、コインランドリー、リサイクルショップ、自転車屋、ホカ弁屋、ネットカフェにビリヤード、カフェバー、や居酒屋、クラブまであります。学生街の利点は大きく2つ。物価がとても安くて、お店も夜遅くまで営業していること。わりと駅と大学周辺の公共交通機関も便利だし、平地なのでチャリ1台でどこでも行けちゃうこと。仕事の勤務時間も朝が早く始まる分、終わるのも早いので、仕事帰りに色々なところに出没しそうな予感。職場の空気が最悪なんで、それだけで正直仕事に行くのが毎日おっくうだ。せめて近場を散策することで、気持ちを切り替える、いい気分転換になればいいんだけど...あと1週間でGW!気合で今週も乗り切るぞ~。 We moved to an apartment in the middle of a college town. 5 minutes walk will take us down to the main street that leads up to the university's campus. On the both sides of the main street, there are various stores. There are few convinience stores, book store, game store, hair dresser's, coin laundry, recycle shop, bicycle shop, a shop that sells lunch boxes, internet cafe, billiard, cafebars, Izakaya style bars, clubs and etc. There are 2 advantages of living in a college town. The prices are very cheap and stores stay open till very late at night. The public transportation between university and the station is convinient,too. One can get on a bike and go almost anywhere and there are no hills either. Because my working hours start early, I also get off work early. I think I can stop by somewhere after work from now on. My office atmosphere is terrible and I hate it. But I hope this can refresh my feelings after work. 1 more week till the big national holidays. I'll somehow manage through with some spirits,huh!? お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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