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​​The Chinese magic mirror is an ancient art that can be traced back to the Chinese Han dynasty漢 (206 BC – 24 AD). The mirrors were made out of solid bronze. The front is a shiny輝く、光る polished surface and could be used as a mirror, while the back has a design cast in the bronze. When bright sunlight or other bright light reflects onto the mirror, the mirror seems to become transparent. If that light is reflected from the mirror towards a wall, the pattern on the back of the mirror is then projected onto the wall.
In about 800 AD, during the "Tang dynasty唐 '"<~ Taizong set out to solve internal problems within the government which had constantly plagued悩み、厄介?  past dynasties. Building upon the Sui legal code, he issued a new legal code that subsequent Chinese dynasties would model theirs upon, as well as neighboring polities in Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. The earliest law code to survive was the one established in the year 653, which was divided into 500 articles specifying different crimes and penalties ranging from ten blows with a light stick, one hundred blows with a heavy rod, exile, penal servitude, or execution.
The legal code distinguished different levels of severity in meted punishments when different members of the social and political hierarchy committed the same crime. For example, the severity of punishment was different when a servant or nephew killed a master or an uncle than when a master or uncle killed a servant or nephew.
The Tang Code was largely retained by later codes such as the early Ming dynasty (1368–1644) code of 1397, yet there were several revisions in later times, such as improved property rights for women during the Song dynasty (960–1279).
The Tang had three departments (Chinese: 省; pinyin: shěng ), which were obliged to draft, review, and implement policies respectively. There were also six ministries (Chinese: 部; pinyin: bù ) under the administrations that implemented policy, each of which was assigned different tasks. These Three Departments and Six Ministries included the personnel administration, finance, rites, military, justice, and public works—an administrative model which would last until the fall of the Qing dynasty (1644–1912).
Although the founders of the Tang related to the glory of the earlier Han dynasty (3rd century BC–3rd century AD ), the basis for much of their administrative organization was very similar to the previous Northern and Southern dynasties. The Northern Zhou (6th century ) fubing system of divisional militia was continued by the Tang, along with farmer-soldiers serving in rotation from the capital or frontier in order to receive appropriated farmland. The equal-field system of the Northern Wei (4th–6th centuries ) was also kept, although there were a few modifications.
Although the central and local governments kept an enormous number of records about land property in order to assess taxes, it became common practice in the Tang for literate and affluent people to create their own private documents and signed contracts. These had their own signature and that of a witness and scribe in order to prove in court (if necessary ) that their claim to property was legitimate. The prototype of this actually existed since the ancient Han dynasty, while contractual language became even more common and embedded into Chinese literary culture in later dynasties.
The center of the political power of the Tang was the capital city of Chang'an (modern Xi'an ), where the emperor maintained his large palace quarters and entertained political emissaries with music, sports, acrobatic stunts, poetry, paintings, and dramatic theater performances. The capital was also filled with incredible amounts of riches and resources to spare. When the Chinese prefectural government officials traveled to the capital in the year 643 to give the annual report of the affairs in their districts, Emperor Taizong discovered that many had no proper quarters to rest in and were renting rooms with merchants. Therefore, Emperor Taizong ordered the government agencies in charge of municipal construction to build every visiting official his own private mansion in the capital. <initial reforms(administration and politics )---/wiki/Tang_dynasty唐 >  > (618–907), a book entitled Record of Ancient Mirrors described the method of crafting solid bronze mirrors with decorations, written characters, or patterns on the reverse side that could cast these in a reflection on a nearby surface as light struck the front, polished side of the mirror; due to this seemingly transparent effect, they were called "light-penetration mirrors " by the Chinese. This Tang era book was lost over the centuries, but magic mirrors were described in the Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo (1031–1095), who owned three of them as a family heirloom. Perplexed as to how solid metal could be transparent,
Shen guessed that some sort of quenching technique焼入ぎじゅつ?  was used to produce tiny wrinkles欠点??  on the face of the mirror too small to be observed by the eye.この「けってん?! 」が、x-ray の・もと?・?・  Although his explanation of different cooling rates was incorrect, he was right to suggest the surface contained minute variations which the naked eye could not detect; these mirrors also had no transparent quality at all, as discovered by William Henry Bragg(1862年7月2日 - 1942年3月12日 ){~ イギリスの物理学者. 1915年に「X線による結晶構造解析に関する研究」により息子のウィリアム・ローレンス・ブラッグと共にノーベル物理学賞を受賞した.・・ 1909年、リーズ大学で物理学の教授に就任. ここでもX線に関する研究を続け、成果を収めている. X線分光器を発明し、1913年にケンブリッジ大学の学生だった息子のウィリアム・ローレンス・ブラッグと共に結晶間隔とX線の回折の関係を定式化したブラッグの法則を見出した. ブラッグの式は結晶構造のX線解析の基本となるものである. <リーズ大学(生涯 )ーー/wiki/ヘンリー・ブラッグ > } in 1932 (after an entire century of their confounding Western scientists ).
Robert Temple describes their construction: "The basic mirror shape, with the design on the back, was cast flat, and the convexity of the surface produced afterwards by elaborate scraping and scratching. The surface was then polished to become shiny. The stresses set up by these processes caused the thinner parts of the surface to bulge outwards and become more convex than the thicker portions. Finally, a mercury amalgam was laid over the surface; this created further stresses and preferential buckling. The result was that
imperfections of the mirror surface matched the patterns on the back, although they were too minute to be seen by the eye. But when the mirror reflected bright sunlight against a wall, with the resultant magnification of the whole image, the effect was to reproduce the patterns as if they were passing through the solid bronze by way of light beams. "
Michael Berry has written a paper describing the optics and giving some photos.
by Wikipedia
{まきょう? の意味は、X-ray !!! ?? }​​


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