こんばんは。今日は「as if の法則」というお話です。これは「~になりたいと思って、~のまねをしていると本当にそうなってしまうという法則」です。たとえば、幸せそうな人は「幸せそうにしよう」と決心してそうなるように企んでいます。企むと聞くと悪いイメージがありますが、企てることは大切なことだと思います。世の中には「不幸せなふり」をして本当に不幸せになってしまう人がいます。世の中には「幸せなふり」をして本当に幸せになってしまう人がいます。世の中には「健康なふり」をして本当に健康になってしまう人がいます。自分のなりたいイメージを心に描いた通りの人生になると聞いたことがあります。不平、不満、愚痴、泣き言を言っている人にはその通りの人生が待っている。感謝、感激、感動、嬉しさ、楽しさを言っている人にはその通りの人生が待っている。とてもこのas if の法則はバカにできないなあと思いました。「~になりたい」~の部分に何を入れるか?これで人生が決まってしまいます。なぜなら自分の人生は自分で決めているからです。不幸と思うのも幸せを思うのも自分の心次第。どんなに状況が悪くても道はあるものです。なぜなら今までの人生でもう駄目だと思っている人もすべて乗り越えてきているから、ここに存在しているんですよね?だから、困ったことは起こらないんです。困ったと思い込んでいるだけです。道は必ずあります。見つけられないときは人に聞いてしまえば良いのです。自分一人で悩んでも解決できない時は周りに聞いてしまえば良いのです。ではまた。^^
Good evening. It is a talk of "the law of as if" today. This is "the law of becoming so truly, adding that he wants to become ? if ? is imitated." For example, those who seem to be fortunate have planned to decide "To make it happy" and to become so. Although there is a bad image if it hears that it plans, I think it important to plan. a world -- "-- unhappy -- coming down -- " -- there are those who do and become really unhappy. a world -- "-- fortunate -- coming down -- " -- there are those who do and become really fortunate. a world -- "-- healthy -- coming down -- " -- there are those who do and become really healthy. It has been heard that it becomes life as he pictured to himself the image which he wants to become. Life just like that is waiting to those who have said a complaint, dissatisfaction, a grumble, and complaints. Life just like that is waiting to those who have said gratitude, deep emotion, impression, a joy, and pleasure. I thought very much that the law of this as if was not made foolishly. What is put into the portion of "? to become ?"? Life will be decided by this. It is because its life is decided by itself. It is also according to their heart to also think that it is unhappy and to consider happiness. However bad a situation may be, a way is a certain thing. Because, since those [ all ] that already think are useless in old life are also getting over, therefore it exists here, a trouble does not happen. It is only convinced were troubled. There is always a way. What is necessary is just to ask people, when not found. What is necessary is just to ask the surroundings, when unsolvable, although it worries about itself. [ one ] then -- see you again . ^^