Hello. It is the talk "irritate thing will happen from the next to the next if irritated" today. I may be irritated. If irritated, it will happen from the next that it is bad to the next. "-- it is what -- it happens that this is bad to the extent that it is regarded as ?." therefore -- if it becomes that he is likely to be irritated -- me -- "-- this is for whose. The heart can be settled down for itself. It tries to think that it will happen from the next that it is bad to the next if it does not settle down." Please see those who are irritated by the surroundings. It has surely happened from the next that it is bad to the next in succession. Therefore, is it better for this to have been able to settle down the heart in "ultimate profit-and-loss calculation" for itself? If the heart settles down, it will happen like a mountain that you may turn around shortly. The state of its heart happens actually. It is very wonderful. ^^. see you -- again .