サッカーとトモに生きる ~Fusball ist meine Leibensdauer


BRA v GHA / ESP v FRA -world cup report


despite being near Frankfurt for 3weeks, I hadnt walked around in Frankfurt yet. I was too busy to go other cities for matches. Actually here Wiesbaden is 40min from Frankfurt by train. So today I went to Frankfurt for sightseeing ! (2nd time in 3weeks. ) I just went to museum to see paitings I love. One of my aim of life is to see all Velmeer s paintings with my eyes. During world cup I was able to see three his paintings including today. I love them. I think I have seen already more than half of his paintings. The maing st in Frankfurt was a bit quiet. Still several countries fans were walking around but not many. I felt the same feeling four years ago. In Korea, There were loads of people when Group league were on ,but in the final rounds, suddenly fans gone. of course people who support their own country go home. I can feel W-cup is finishing... The atomosphere in Group league is like a world festa and it is fun. But Finals are big matches and something different atomosphere. I love both. But this time I chose the fun festa because of my ticketes. When I got in, the first game,BRA v GHA was almost finished. Well no chance to GHA. After dinner, I went to BADEN (SPA / BATH) in Wiesbaden. It Roman Bath style hot spring and Steam bath. It is like a palace or something.... gorgeous. People do not wear swinsuits like hotspring in japan. Only Tuesday(today) is for women only and other days are for men and women. I felt posh ...hahaha. http://www.wiesbaden.de/loader.php?menue=/leben_wi/sport/menue.php&aID=1389&content=/leben_wi/sport/baeder.php&werbeseite=/banner/sport_banner.php&smallbanner= After the bath :-0 watched ESP v FRA a bit :+ well... someohow FRA got through. As France remained, already q-finals are like already final in each matches :-o Btw,I like the recent Joe Cole s tv ad for Samsong.


