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As the COVID-19 pandemic begins to wind down and life gets back to normal, some of the pivots we made to help keep things running are going away. However, other adjustments we made to the way we conduct business proved to be so efficient that many people want to keep them around as an option. For example, divorce mediation sessions that can be conducted remotely via computer video chat are still extremely relevant even in a post-COVID society, thanks to their ease and convenience.

For divorcing couples who are unable to make it to an in-person session—or just don’t want to—here are some reasons why remote divorce mediation is still very popular as an option for a swift, simple divorce that benefits both parties equally. 

Overseas or out-of-town spouses

If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are living in different cities, or even different countries, you can still attend Denver divorce mediation sessions thanks to remote divorce mediation. As long as one of you lives in Denver, you can opt for remote sessions to settle your divorce and arrive at an equitable agreement quickly and simply. The spouse who is out of town will still be able to see every financial and tax document you discuss via screen-sharing software, allowing both of you to make real-time decisions about equitably dividing your assets as though you were in the same room together. Just keep in mind that the laws of the state in which the mediation session is being physically conducted will apply.

Schedule flexibility

It can be difficult for both soon-to-be former spouses to attend divorce mediation appointments in person when they are coming from different sides of town. Traffic jams, hectic work schedules and child care conflicts can all play a part in wreaking havoc with in-person mediation sessions, leading to more frustration and a longer, more drawn-out divorce process. Opting for remote divorce mediation sessions allows you both to attend each session on time without having to fight traffic or juggle your schedule. Not only is this a convenient option, but it can also be the choice that is much more stress-free.

How does it work?

A remote divorce mediation session works just as an in-person session does: an attorney-mediator will sit in the room with the spouse who was able to make it in person, with the other spouse attending via video conference software. The distant spouse will be able to fully participate in the session just as though he or she were in the same room. Together, the divorcing parties will work to reach a mutually beneficial divorce settlement, with the attorney-mediator acting as a neutral third party to guide them to their agreement.

If you think remote Denver divorce mediation is the right choice for you, talk to your soon-to-be ex-spouse and schedule an appointment. There’s no time like the present to take steps toward your after-divorce chapter in life. 


最終更新日  2023.04.12 03:49:53
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