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いいね! --/--


* 日本人の良さを再認識



[by Ms. Arakawa]

This experience taught us a renewed recognition of what we had and regained its real spirits. I didn't see any crimes but those who helped each other. All were willing to do their duty gentlemanly. I had been felt that Japanese got cold attitude in a way but today I knew that they regain their bond. It made me cry...I was moved.

* 整列する日本人


日本人すごい!!こんな時にも山手線ホームできれいに整列してる …涙。有楽町駅を上から眺む。

* At the station

Look! People are forming lines so orderly, waiting for a train on the Yamanote Line, the ring train circling the center of Tokyo. Proud to be Japanese. Looking down at Yuraku-cho Station (near Tokyo Station). http://twitpic.com/48kn1u

* 段ボールに感動



* Homeless People

[by http://twitter.com/yas/status/46487642812071936]

While I was tired of waiting at the station, homeless people gave us their cardboards against cold. We're always passing them by, though.

[by Ms. Arakawa]

Transport facilities were dead and I was so tired waiting so long. Then, a homeless guy gave me a cardboard saying "use this, it can warm you up". I used to pass homeless people by even when they were begging... Although what he did to me was such a sweet stuff.

* 呼びかけ



* Offering help
I walked hours from the city to return home. I saw just so many places along the way, whether offices or restaurants, making their spaces and restrooms available to those walking long distances home. Some guys from a corporate building were speaking aloud to the walkers, "The train resumed the service!" "We have space for you to rest!!" They really touched my heart and I almost cried. Seriously. This whole experience renewed my confidence in the Japanese people.

* ホームにて



* On a platform

I'm twittering from the platform of Oedo Line heading for Hikari Gaoka. The platform is overcrowded. Actually, many can't even get onto the platform and waiting outside the ticket gate. But there is order. We are forming perfect lines. There is no partition rope but we leave room for people to walk through. Everyone is following instructions given by station staff. There is absolute order and calmness here, almost surreal in this situation. I am amazed by these people's mental strength.

* バイクでよければ



* If you can bear a motorbike ride...

I was really moved. A senior colleague of mine at my part-time workplace held up a sign saying "If you can bear a motorbike ride, I will give you a ride home," at a train station when train service was suspended. He gave a ride to a steeplejack returning to Tokorozawa, Saitama. I so admire his act of conscience and kindness. First time in my life I so felt strongly that I want to be of service to others.

* 外国人から見た日本人



[by Ms. Arakawa]

I heard that some foreigners were impressed to see these:In the super market Japanese picked up some products which is fallen to the floor and put them back to the display cabinet, or kept in line and purchased neatly. Or.. in crowded train, an old guy gave his seat to pregnant woman and other nice activities what Japanese done. I believed those story and their reaction was true.

* スーパーでの出来事


スーパーで無事買物出来ましたヽ(´o`; でもお客さんのほとんどが他の人の事を考えて必要最低限しか買わない感じだったのが感動しました(涙)

* At a supermarket

I was able to do necessary grocery shopping after the quake. I was moved when I saw most people showed consideration for others by NOT buying more than what they absolutely need for the time being. Their act of conscience brought tears to my eyes.

* パン屋



* Bakery

In the middle of the night, I was walking home from college. A lady at a bakery was giving out bread. She kept her bakery open till late hours and was doing what she could do to help others. I was so touched. Tokyo is still not a bad place to live! Such a heart-warming scene.

* 国連からのメッセージ


国連からのコメント「日本は今まで世界中に援助をしてきた援助大国だ。今回は国連が全力で日本を援助する。」 に感動した。良い事をしたら戻ってくるのです。これがいい例なのです

* Message from the UN

I was so moved by the statement issued by the UN Secretary General, saying, "Japan is one of the most generous and strongest benefactors, coming to the assistance of those in need the world over. In that spirit, the United Nations stands by the people of Japan and we will do anything and everything we can at this very difficult time." This is a perfect example of doing good to others. They will do the same to you, when you most need their help.

[English by http://twitter.com/hirokishimada/status/46425526247759872]

UN Ban Ki-moon says "Japan is one of the most generous and strongest benefactors coming to the assistance of those in need the world over. In their spirits, the United Nations stands by the people of Japan, we will do anything and everything we can at this very difficult time."


最終更新日  2011年03月13日 12時38分33秒
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nanasugu@ Re[1]:旧正月のご挨拶(01/22) ワオワオ2さん こちらこそ温かいメッセー…
ワオワオ2@ Re:旧正月のご挨拶(01/22) お元気ですか? 一言お礼を述べさせてくだ…
nanasugu@ Re:こんにちは! (●^o^●)(01/22) だいちゃん0204さん ◎どうも有難うござ…
だいちゃん0204@ こんにちは! (●^o^●) その後いかがお過ごしですか? お元気な…
nanasugu@ Re:こんばんは! (#^0^#)(01/22) だいちゃん0204さん ◎引越しでお返事書…



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