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'I michael kors handbags cheap had the blues and that was a good thing'

Lykke li has had the blues and that's okay with her.Without the melancholy and ennui that followed the break up of a relationship, the swedish singer reckons she wouldn't have made an album like i never learn.Just don't mistake it for sadness.

"People keep asking me, 'why are you so sad?' but I'm not sad at all.I was in the thick of a storm and i wrote exactly what i was feeling at the time and it was not sadness.It was fighting and anger.I had the blues and that was a good thing.Anything beautiful has melancholy in it, like bach or whoever. "

Melancholy also coloured li's previous two albums, but it's the primary shade on her new record.I never learn is moody and wistful from tip to toe, full of tender bruises and scars from all those blue of the night dramas, which underpin the songs.

This might be the end of her tapping that mood music for a while. "I know it probably feels a bit tiresome for people, like 'oh my god, is she heartbroken again?We have to listen to this again?'"She laughs. "I would be tired of myself too.I think society is just not into that.It's like they can't handle or don't want to handle the crying and the melodrama.I feel it's like too much to handle, crying like an almodvar actress all the time. "

In any case, she has now moved on. "Three is the charm.I'm making up with my past on these records and i feel like such a different person now.Really i do.I'm happier, i'm lighter, i had to get this st out. "

For i never learn, li leaned on a rich catalogue for inspiration and leads.She reels off a list of albums blood on the tracks, astral weeks, songs of love and hate and tapestry singers such as roberta flack, karen dalton and joan baez, and anas nin's diaries.

Then, there was geography.For the past while, li has called california home, a solid base for someone who had a peripatetic childhood that included spells living in portugal, india, morocco and sweden.

"There's something in the air in california which appeals to me,"She says. "It's a place that attracted so michael kors bag sale uk many creative refugees in the 1970s to write and create and make music.The weather is so right for that mood too the sun shines on you and all your demons come out into the light.You're left to your own troubles.

"I was left alone in the house or in the car, and i'd listen to van morrison, and songs like i miss you by randy newman, or anything by harry nilsson or simple man by graham nash.That line 'i just want to hold you, i don't want to hold you down' really resonated with me.All i wanted to do was listen to them and rob them. "

Having streamlined her palette for the new album, she feels there may be more minimalism to come. "The ultimate challenge for me would be to make a barebones, stripped back album.I've always been so jealous of bon iver or cat power, who can sit down at a piano or with a guitar.That's enough;That's all you need.That's my dream scenario.I'd like to try that. "

What's interesting about i never learn is that it's a world away from the pop frills and fancies that li put michael kors cheap bags around her words on her earlier albums.She puts this down now to youthful indulgence and peer pressure.

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最終更新日  2015.01.15 10:36:04
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