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May 27, 2020

Score - 143919 Votes
Ratings - 4,2 of 10
country - USA

103 m
Stars - Dev Patel


https://svtplay-se.com/watch/1459?utm_source=plaza_rakuten DOWNLOAD, WATCH



The last airbender soundtrack.
The Only Good Thing About The Movie Was That Princess Yue was fine 😂.

The best part of this is that it's not the Avatar who defeats him, it's Aang. The kid who was raised to not harm other beings, and couldn't take this man's life. Every one of his past lives told him to do what ever it took, and there were two moments when he could have ended it then and there: When he redirects Ozai's lightning and when the Avatar State unleashes it's power, but the Avatar state isn't the gentle kid we've followed through this journey. It takes his strength, and his courage to bend the energy of another, not the skill or strength of who he was in the past, but who he is. That to me, is the coolest aspect. Edit: Thank you for the feedback, you guys have pointed out some crucial stuff I've missed, but I still stand on my words. You don't have to agree, but hopefully this is a bit more clear. Aang is the Avatar, that is always going to be a part of him, but killing Ozai wasn't the answer. I see what you guys mean about Aang having to learn to separate his duty as the Avatar from the morals of his people, but an Avatar is still an individual, and killing the firelord wouldn't have been his choice. Now was it his to make? No, the duty is to protect the world at all costs, and I don't know what he would've done if Spirit-Bending wasn't an option, but this Iroh quote pretty much sums it up when he and Aang talk in the tunnel after he leaves the Eastern Air Temple:  Perfection and power are overrated, I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love. He had the power advantage, Ozai even points this out. But senseless violence wasn't going to end the war, regardless of justification. On behalf of the other nations, Aang didn't need to forgive the Fire Nation, but they are a necessary part of the world. 4 nations; separate but the same. You need to show that you believe people can change, for it to happen.

Fire is indeed the best.
The last airbender games.
The last airbender review.
Its so sad that no other cartoon has or will ever reach the same caliber that this show did. This battle was one of the most intense, and suspenseful scenes in all of animated history. Just, perfection.

If they make the other books, I'll make WW2 look like a tea party.
The last airbender full movie.
The last airbender series.
Wait but what is this lol who made this is this cannon im confused.
Sokka: There is no way I look like that! and Im not that serious. Toph: Thank god I wasnt shown, oh wait IM BLIND Katara: Wheres the studio? Im gonna ask Zuko to burn it Aang: MY ARROW IS A SOLID COLOR. NOT A BUNCH OF SYMBOLS. Also WHERES MOMO.

The last airbender bloodbending episode.
I think why people hated that movie because Avatar was full of Asian benders. And I think in the movie wasn't.
The last airbender 3.
The last airbender 2 trailer.
The last airbender reaction.
The last airbender avatar cast.
Get Fast Streaming access to watch movie, with excellent audio/video quality and virus free.
Another reason could be that they removed the most iconic line from the intro: “Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.”.
The last airbender - nostalgia critic reaction.
The last airbender sequel.
How can a whole community be able to only move one rock in the name of Earth bending.
The Storm/The Blue Spirit are the episodes that hooked me, I'm so glad I got through the early episodes for those. The early episodes aren't bad, in fact some of them are brilliant, but those two episodes really drew me in.

The last airbender final battle.
How exactly are they gonna recreate this for the live action.
The last airbender characters.
0:57 Actually it can Katara just need to be on the North pole where she can do the same as Toph,you know earthbenders have an unfair advantage there.
The last airbender avatar characters.


“Were not saying we hate the movie” Yes you do. Dont lie

The last airbender movie 2.
The last airbender avatar.
The last airbender avatar season 1.
The last airbender anime.
The last airbender cast.
The last airbender csfd.
When they mispronounced aang's name- it just made me so angry xD.
This is my all time favorite show of all time. The characters were amazing and the lore is absolutely perfect. It was extremely dark at times to. There was going to be 3 movies to but that obviously didnt happen.
The last airbender trailer 2020.
“As a film student. ” makes me roll my eyes to the back of my head.

Its finally on Netflix now.
The last airbender 2.
People who love or hate Legend of Korra can at least agree this movie is terrible.



Last updated  May 27, 2020 11:53:44 PM
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