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megalithic Pyramid of Japan

megalithic Pyramid of Japan

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52° 2'19.27"N 12°58'41.78"E


ロズウェル事件(ロズウェルじけん、Roswell Incident)は、1947年7月アメリカ合衆国ニューメキシコ州ロズウェル付近で墜落したUFOが米軍によって回収されたとして有名になった事件。ロズウェルUFO事件(Roswell UFO Incident)とも呼ばれる。なお、付近といってもロズウェルからは70マイル離れていたが、ロズウェル陸軍飛行場(のちの ウォーカー空軍基地(1967年に閉鎖))が深く関わったため、ロズウェル事件と呼ばれる。世界で最も有名なUFO事件といわれている。

UFO Alien Roswell Crash Parts up close!!「youtube:英語」



ピラミッド エントランス
画像引用:The entrance of the Pyramid

 参照記事:Resonance in Paleo-Sanskrit Inscriptions on the Great Pyramid


Stone carvings made thousands of years ago have archaeologists stumped

参照記事:An Ethno-Archaeological Approach to the “Monumental Rock Signs” in Eastern Anatolia


エルサレムの初代王ダビデは羊飼いで勿論杖は持っていた。のちにベツレヘムに生まれたイエス・キリストは神の子羊(神の小羊、かみのこひつじ)と表現された。 キリスト教神学において、人間の罪に対する贖いとして、イエスが生贄の役割を果たすことを踏まえており、古代ユダヤ教の生贄の習慣にも由来する表現である。






渦巻き、Nに似た記号、四角で囲まれた ”⋀”の記号などが見られるが左側の階段状の構造物はピラミッドのようである。

次に紹介するフェニックスの光(英語:Phoenix Lights)は、1997年3月13日にメキシコのソノラ州やアメリカのフェニックスを中心としたアリゾナ州の上空で、夜間に長時間に渡って目撃された謎の複数の光点物体である。多数の住民によるUFO目撃事件としてメディアに取り上げられ、大きな話題を呼んだ。事件後にアメリカ空軍による演習によって発生した光であると公表され、光の正体は照明弾だと説明された。しかし、現在でも照明弾であることを疑う人々が存在する。

PhoenixLights1997model (1).jpg


画像引用:wiki Category:Taurus

ロシア 王.jpg












30° 7'23.11"N 32°20'51.84"E
エジプト 耳付き記号.jpg

41° 1'36.64"N100°14'9.14"E

キリスト教ではΣ = ΣΩΤΗΡ 救い主でイエス・キリストのことである。
Σの語源は、フェニキア文字の "𐤔"(シン、Phoenician sin.svg)に由来するという。
さらにその由来はエジプトのヒエログリフのウラエウス(古代ギリシア語: οὐραῖος、uraeus)エジプトに棲息するアスプコブラが鎌首を持ち上げた様子を様式化したもので、古代エジプトの主権、王権、神性の象徴である。エジプト語の jʿr.t (iaret)、すなわち「立ち上がったコブラ」が語源であるということである。

ロシア カシオペア記号群.jpg



The last article introduced Russian V-shaped sign group, but gathered related stories of the sign group that seemed to be related to it.
The V-shaped sign in the forest of the master how then village in southwestern Germany. ↓
German v
52 degrees 2'19.27"N 12 degrees 58'41.78"E
A V-shaped sign and the V-shaped fieldwork are seen in the Saudi Arabia Arabian Peninsula, Mongolia, Russia, Europe, the North Africa.
Because each country Army, facilities of the air force are near, I provide equipment, and there is a possibility that I am related to it, but I step over the border, and facilities of the placement of the totally similar V-shape will exist why.
The case that the Roswell case ( Roswell Incident) became famous saying that the UFO which crashed near United States of America New Mexico Roswell in July, 1947 was collected by the United States Armed Forces. I am called the Roswell UFO case (Roswell UFO Incident). In addition, was 70 miles away from Roswell even if said neighborhood, but Roswell army airport (in のちの Walker Air Force Base (1967 closedown)) But, I am called Roswell case because I was concerned deeply. I am said to be the most famous UFO case in the world.
A reference article: Roswell case ja.wikipedia.org
UFO Alien Roswell Crash Parts close!! which improves "youtube: English"
It is said that this picture is the wreckage of the metal piece of the UFO which crashed, but a mystery sign is described in the metal piece such as the steel frame of a relief and the building of the bill of six fingers. This sign group is left in the remains from ancient times, and it is that it is ticked away in every place of ground of the world even now that want to pay attention.
Roswell signature
This image performed handwriting from a picture of youtube like the point, but a thing ticked away to the metal piece of the upper UFO that Roswell crashed as for two steps, the third step are the epitaphs which were ticked away to have it hollow of the entrance part of the large pyramid of Egyptian Khufu. A nuance resembles closely very much and is different from the hieroglyph drawn inside of a cage, the pyramid.
Pyramid entrance
Image quotation: The entrance of the Pyramid
It was ticked away by a triangular niche-like altar, but an image of God concerned with building with a pyramid might be put in this place.
A reference article: Resonance in Paleo-Sanskrit Inscriptions on the Great Pyramid
It is sign group of "the V-shape" that it is a remain of City of David of Jerusalem to introduce next, and was found. By local excavation to be known as "City of David" of Jerusalem, the floor of the stone thought to be the thing several thousand years ago does not know the thing such as the sign ticked away what discovery  means with a thing for what.
The V-shaped sign was carved with recently on the floor of the discovered room in the excavation spot. As for the depth, approximately 5cm, length are approximately 50cm.
youtube: English
Stone carvings made thousands of years ago have archaeologists stumped
In addition, the thing that V, U, a sickle-formed sign are carved with is discovered in bedrock in northeast Anatolia and northwest Iran, the area of Armenia.
A reference article: An Ethno-Archaeological Approach to the "Monumental Rock Signs" in Eastern Anatolia
"The relations of kent and the V-shaped sign"
Originally the ancient Roman was an agricultural people. I put a nick in the stick of the tree to count the number of sheep. Whenever a goat went out by one of them from a fence, I increased nicks one by one. When a goat of the third of them left, "III" referred and when a goat of the fourth of them left, it already increased one nicks beside three nicks and said with "IIII". When a goat of the fifth of them left, I carved only then with "V" to the right of the fourth nick. There were ∧ and the shepherdess who carved.
6 5 4 "IV" "V" "VI" of the Roman numeral and 200 "Σ" resembled the sign of the Roswell metal piece closely very much, but old breeding of sheep that was why would come to use the form of this sign.
Of course King Hatsuyo David of Jerusalem had the stick by breeding of sheep. Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem later was expressed with Son of God sheep (Agnus Dei, Son of God sheep). In Christianity theology, I am based on yes playing a role as the sacrifice as compensation for the human crime and am expression to come from the custom of the sacrifice of the ancient Judaism.
In Christianity, I compare a believer to "a lost sheep" and compare yes to lead it to breeding of sheep.
That is why, as for the stick "crosier of the clergyman," a point curls up in imitation of kent.
The story returns, but the history of Breeding of sheep dates back until the times of Babylonia; they every day to God a sheep as sacrifice I gave it.
I think "V" of the sign of the kent to have possibilities to come from God whom they admire.
"Resemblance of the line engraving to be seen in a lithograph and an earthenware vessel"
Okinawa slate image.jpg
Image quotation: Okinawa Prefectural museum
This is a line engraving lithograph discovered in Okinawa called Rosetta stone of Okinawa.
Is found 13 pieces to date 2008, and one piece is lost later; 12 pieces of existence. A part is stored in the Okinawa Prefectural museum, art museum (lithograph done line engraving a document name). The contents work on a ship and agriculture, and simple letter designs such as N or ten are carved with all over the lithograph other than a picture considered to be a building and an animal. In the generation, I am missing, and it is unknown which race is a thing derived from what civilization
A reference article: Rosetta stone of ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Okinawa
Signs of "⋀" surrounded with an eddy, a sign, a square similar to N are seen, but the left stepped structure is like the pyramid.
The light (English :Phoenix Lights) of the phoenix to introduce next is the mystery plural luminous point objects which night, were witnessed for a long stretch of time over Sonora of Mexico and Arizona mainly on the American phoenix on March 13, 1997. It was taken up as a UFO witness case by a large number of inhabitants by the media and called for a big topic. It was announced that it was light caused by the practice by the American air force after a case, and the real nature of the light was explained when it was a flare. However, people doubting that it is a flare exist now.
At first it is "a V-shaped huge UFO" first to have been witnessed by people and passes it slowly over a town at about 8:15 p.m. It is nine luminous bodies forming a line into an arch form afterwards to have been witnessed at about 10:00 p.m. It is a picture of the 10:00 which a luminous body forming a line into an arch form is reflected in that flow out, but the image of the V-shaped huge UFO exists. But there was the clear picture of the V-shaped huge UFO, but seemed to forfeit it in men (MIB) who wore black clothes.

In the petrograph of the American Indian, the people who worshiped the state that a V-shaped UFO flew were chopped, but might admire such a mystery flight thing as God from ancient times.
In addition, I think that the V-shape may show the row of the star of Hyades of Taurus.
Image quotation: wiki Category:Taurus
The next was a sign of "the King", but a Russian picture above the ground introduced this sign before.
49 degrees 23'4.00"N119 ° 37'11.77"E
Russian King .jpg
It is a considerably huge picture approximately 480m in total length above the ground.
I spoke even a former article, but resemble the mysterious sign group called the angel letter closely.
And there is the witness testimony that the mark that laid this was greatly created on the side of the UFO.
I am called "the UFO of the alien from ummo".
Image quotation: wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummo
A UFO photograph photographed in Spain, San Jose of the suburbs of Madrid was shown. The UFO photographed in San Jose on the evening of June 1, 1967 lands at the approximately 4km announced previously in a letter away place afterwards, and it is said that I flew away soon. In the body of the UFO, a mark similar to that "King" became available.
Relatively people that a large number of people witnessed it not appearing in the photograph of the UFO with the character of the famous "King" either, the photographer of the photograph are unidentified, and, besides, not knowing it, a thread hanging a UFO is discovered by computer analysis of American ufology group GSW, and a quack thing becomes clear.
A reference article: wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummo
It was thought whether this case terminated in this, but I hung it for from September 21, 1989 to October 2, and the UFO carved a seal of the sign similar to "King" landed at the park of Russian Voronezh for several times what this time, and the alien who brought the belt with the sign of "the King" came over. Alien of three big things and small things (large one body, small two) and something like box-shaped robot go down from the UFO with the carved seal of the sign similar to "Ж" of Russian, and it is said that I gather the soil and investigated it.
A reference article: http://cryptidz.wikia.com/wiki/Voronezh_Aliens
Image quotation: http://cryptidz.wikia.com/wiki/Voronezh_Aliens?file=Voronezh44.jpg
As for this Voronezh case, the eyewitness is equal to several thousand people, and the Russian researcher admits that the phenomenon that is not some regularness got up, too.
The case of the alien from Spanish ummo was not able to necessarily say that it was mischief of somebody without measuring it either.
In addition, there is tradition related to the case of the alien from this ummo in Japan.
"Tradition and the alien of the Japanese canoe from ummo"
It is a legendary ship in the Edo era said that the canoe (uturobone) appeared in the Pacific of the Oarai-machi, Ibaraki (talked with Kitaibaraki-shi) offing suddenly.
Image quotation: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Utsuro-bune.jpg
"The canoe that Jiro drew Nagahashi again"
The canoe flows from the sea and was cast ashore, but I am afraid by people, and it is said that it has been drained into the sea again. It is said whether it is expression of the Edo era of the flying saucer, but the document which a canoe "had power" or can read "I flew in the sky" does not exist.
"The state of the canoe"
The canoe is made of iron, and there is a window (glass is put?) It has a round shape.
Something like letter can hang to the canoe.
A foreign woman gets on and has a box among them.
A reference article: Emptiness ship -wikipedia
It wants to be carved a seal a letter by the side of the canoe, and a sign similar to "King" is created to the second of four letters (cf. top right corner of the figure).
This resembles "the King" of the metal piece of the Roswell UFO. In addition, form is similar to the carved seal of the UFO of the alien from ummo.
The beautiful woman of the exotism called "banme" of the canoe had a box, but the alien who appeared in Voronezh, Russia had a box.
In a letter of alien from ummo yumit which has been sent to Spain and France, as for their figures, the thing which racial, resembles it, and already melts into an earthian, and lives a life of North Europe origin is described when.
I hardly see the alien called the alien from ummo which appeared in Voronezh in a North European system, but it is like the space suit, and, as for the thing seen to the head, a beautiful humanoid-shaped alien may enter the contents with a helmet.
Or an alien from true unmmo still got all on the thing which appeared in Voronezh in the UFO with a robot, and would remoteness steer robots?
A legend of gathering God drifting on a ship from tradition and the sea of the flying object flying in the sky including floating boat and iwahune of the sky in Japan from ancient times
There is it, but this is the case that seems to be connected with a UFO, too.
"Other signs and ground dyed figures on cloth of the Roswell metal piece"
It is most frequent sign group, and the round sign of the fifth and the sixth is seen all over the world on ground from the left of the cut.
Sign with the Egyptian ear
30 degrees 7'23.11"N 32 degrees 20'51.84"E
Sign .jpg with the Egyptian ear
A sign and infinite sign group with the Chinese Inner Mongolia ear
41 degrees 1'36.64"N100 ° 14'9.14"E
Sign and infinite sign group .jpg with the Chinese Inner Mongolia ear
It is the last, but is a sign similar to "Σ" of Greek characters.
It is Jesus Christ in the Σ=ΣΩΤΗΡ Messiah in Christianity.
It is said that the etymology of Σ comes from "𐤔" (Shin, Phoenician sin.svg) of the Phoenician alphabet.
Furthermore, the origin stylized the state that Naja haje having habitation in uraeus (Ancient Greek :οὐραῖος, uraeus) Egypt of the Egyptian hieroglyph lifted a sickle neck, and is sovereignty, sovereignty of Egypt, a symbol of the divine nature in the ancient times. It means that jʿr.t (iaret) of Egyptian namely "the cobra which stood up" is the etymology.
A reference article: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%A3
Sign group of Russian "𐤔"
49 degrees 58'56.73"N116 ° 53'7.36"E
Russian Cassiopeia sign group .jpg
Sign group of this "𐤔" is sign group to be seen all over the world, too.
"A summary"
About these mysterious signs group, there is still the unknown group which I continue using from the ancient times to the present. The language that the human uses changes with the passage of times in sequence, but many changes are not seen in the letter which the alien uses.
Their civilization has already reached the top, and it thinks that a unified language may be used so that any which star-based alien knows it.
I am given from God as a holy language and am used on the earth from ancient times, and, as for the human being in position that can understand space language "somehow", it may be said that the human is existence watched not a lonely situation alienated by an intellectual living entity of the space to some extent.



Last updated  2017.03.26 11:40:04
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