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megalithic Pyramid of Japan

megalithic Pyramid of Japan

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は 秩父市での7月19日(宵宮)に高さ6mほどの柱を立ててスサノオを迎える「天王柱立神事」がある。

youtube:平成27年 秩父川瀬祭 秩父神社 天王柱立て神事の天王柱


倉稲魂命 大己貴命 少彦名命 谿羽道主命 船帆足尼命である。
大己貴命 倉稲魂命は素戔嗚の子孫であり、少彦名命は天乃羅摩船(アメノカガミノフネ)に乗って海の彼方からやってきた漂流神である。谿羽道主命は開化天王の皇孫であり、船帆足尼命はよく知られていない。
倉稲魂命 大己貴命 少彦名命の3柱の祭神は宮島ピラミッドの造営に関わったのではないだろうかと私は考える。『古事記』によれば大己貴命 少彦名命は多くの山や丘の造物者であり、命名神であるという。倉稲魂命(お稲荷さん)は食料を司る神であるが、宮島ピラミッドを造成し「日星月」の観察によって暦が確立したあとに農業を普及させたのではないだろうか。

I go down the stairs of the high and low tide rock area from the summit of Mt. Misen part of Miyajima, and there is the rice ball-shaped huge rock ticked away of the constellation of Orion in the place that passed high and low tide rock → ship rock.
There are two as far as I confirmed it, and the Orion belt (three star) is covered with moss generally and can confirm only the part of the belt, but there is the part of the big hole when I see the whole, and there seems to be the fixed star of the winter constellation except Orion, too.
Stone with the constellation
Part of the Orion belt
Top and bottom is reverse, and the position of the belt turns over and seems to be carved, but there is the example which the Big Dipper (the remains of Iwaya rock shade) or the Pleiades (liquor ship stone) turn over in the world in the constellation chopped in iwakura, and is ticked away.
As for top and bottom turning over in reverse, it is Carve rare (the remains of Iwaya rock shade) same as a huge stone, but will it not be faithful to the constellation which then is seen from why the ground?
Is this because it shows the position of the fixed star which it looked at from a glance of God that is the outside space?

It was expectation, but applied the position with the hole and the position of the fixed star of the winter constellation to the last.
A part near the top polestar is Capella of Auriga. It is Pollux of Gemini next.
It is Hyades midway in Aldebaran of Taurus.
It is three star and Rigel of Orion in the lower part. A bottom is Sirius of Canis Major.
It is turned all over and is carved.
A chopped part of the constellations is the first page of this huge stone, and the whole is bigger, and stairs are established on the back (in late years the stairs were made.) It becomes dolmen-like Iwaya, and guardian deity of children is worshiped.
In the depths of Iwaya, the dark hole which seems to spread out forever opens and is weird.
The stones with the cut surface form a line under this Iwaya, but an angle of the huge stone is 40 degrees and can observe the sunlight of the culmination of the winter solstice. On the photography day, sunlight hits it to the back stone two days of the winter solstice later at 12/24 noon. Sunlight comes in to the depths so that it is almost winter solstice and will be the structure which sunlight comes to hit only to a stone of this side so as to leave it.

"A trace of octagonal hollow and Orion"
There is an octagonal hollow of around 30cm in diameter to the south rock of the image of the Sarasvati in the hollow under the firmness rock.
The Sarasvati is enshrined deity ichikishimahime of Miyajima, but is the three star of the Orion belt at the same time.
I think that three stars of Orion might go over the truth of the octagonal hollow at the midnight of the winter solstice.
I climbed current Orion from east at night of the winter solstice and did it in the south and set in the due west, but might go along the position where the horizon was considerably than the present near at the time of the building of the Miyajima pyramid.
The observation point thinks that it is the square hole among huge stones same as an observation point of Sirius, but Orion is hard to look from there.
Therefore I think that I build a pillar in the octagonal hollow and might have a mark.
It is thought that I did it in the mark of the position that a hole opens to a huge rock across the octagonal hollow to both the east and the west, and Orion climbs and the position to set in.
Hole (the west) on the firmness rock
The huge stone with the hole of the east side.
The direction that sees the Orion from the observation point
"The observation of an act of God and the star of the erecting the first pillar"
As the Shinto ritual that there is a festival to build a pillar (pole) all over the world, but seems to include a relation for observation of Orion
There is "a Four Devas erecting the first pillar act of God" to appoint a pillar approximately 6m in height as (eve) on July 19 in は Chichibu-shi, and to reach susanoo.
youtube: Four Devas pillar of the 2015 Chichibu Kawase festival Chichibu Shrine Four Devas erecting the first pillar act of God
A ceremony to build a special octagonal pillar as Shinto ritual to invite susanoo = Orion to might be performed in Miyajima in the ancient times, but there is not such an event in current Miyajima.
Because Miyajima was considered to be the confinement ground, and there was not a person, an ancient act of God would not be inherited.
Line to immovable rock - yabusaki jinjya
Third daughter God passes the Imperial mausoleum Shinto shrine which descended first when I extend a line linking the hole of the immovable rock, and the observation ground reaches yabusaki.
The enshrined deity of yabusaki jinjya is considered to be a crow, but "the step father" of ichikishimahime  is susanoo.
In addition, there is the place name of the step father in Hyogo, and, as for the enshrined deity of the Shinto shrine there, it is assumed that I check the origin of "the step father" with 5 following seats.
It is 倉稲魂命 大己貴命 少彦名命 谿羽道主命 船帆足尼命.
The major oneself command storehouse flash of lightning life is a descendant of susanoo , and sukunahikona is drifting God who came over from the distance of the sea on amenokagaminohune (Sky mirror ship). The valley feather way main life is aristocratic posterity of the civilization Four Devas, and the ship Hoashi nun life is not well known.
I think that three enshrined deities of 倉稲魂命 大己貴命 少彦名命 might be concerned with the building of the Miyajima pyramid. 大己貴命 少彦名命 is Creator of many mountains and hills, and, according to "the description of folk history," it is said that it is naming God. The storehouse flash of lightning life (Inari) was God who controlled food, but might make agriculture widely available after I developed land for Miyajima pyramid, and a calendar established it by the observation in "a day star month".

The first sunrise of a new year, the early-morning mountain climbing to a hotel in Miyajima-cho 
宮島潮湯温泉 錦水館宮島 ホテル菊乃家宮島ホテルまこと宮島シーサイドホテル宮島グランドホテル 有もと宮島 山一別館聚景荘宮島ゲストハウス鹿庭荘宮島ホテルニュー寿宮島包ヶ浦自然公園みやじま杜の宿神撰の宿 みや離宮みやじまの宿 岩惣北之町 厳妹屋さくらや蔵宿いろは旅荘かわぐちゲストハウス 菊がわフォレストヴィラ水羽旅彩のお宿 水羽荘


Last updated  2017.03.26 11:34:07
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