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May 19, 2020

Rating 98138 vote.
directed by Robert Eggers.
Duration 1H, 49 Minute.
Writer Max Eggers.
Brief Two lighthouse keepers try to maintain their sanity whilst living on a remote and mysterious New England island in the 1890s.
user Ratings 8,3 of 10

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This video must be super confusing to people who havent seen the movie.

Everyone here who is shocked that Sandler is a good actor clearly haven't seen Punch Drunk Love or Reign Over Me.
Watch the lighthouse free.
Watch Free The lighthouses.
Watch free the lighthouse.
Why is this in my recommendation. Yt is drunk.
This was my face expression the entire movie😟.
A perfect example of how important sound is when it comes to a scene like this. Take the sound out and you pretty much get the jist of what's happening. The images are a little disturbing and unsettling. But add in the sound elements - The horn, the shrieking, the water splashing up on the rocks; and it adds to emotional/psychological effect. And all the sounds are musically rhythmic in their own ways. So now it becomes this startling, disturbing, and hypnotic moment.

This movie was very disappointing. Too many people yelling over each other and the plot was all over the place.
Acting is amazing, it does look good, but I would be lying if I told you I knew what the heck this movie was about. It is definitely strange and confusing, and not in a cool way, it seems the director just kinda mashed a bunch of scenes together. If you like weird and confusing movies with a lack of payoff, then this one is for you.

Watch the lighthouse free hd.
The black and white works really well for this movie, and adds to the overwhelming sense of dread that permeates throughout it. The characters are very complex, and I found myself teetering back in forth for who to root for. The ending is vague and potentially divisive. Definitely a movie that will stay in your head for days after you leave the theater.
Watch free the lighthouse family.
Black Phillip is the GOAT.
The beauty of Cats? 😂😂😂.
You know, I'm something of a scientist myself.

Watch free doc martin to the lighthouse.
Willem Dafoe is really one of the best actors of his generation.
Watch Free The lighthouse.
Watch free online the lighthouse.
This movie is as dark and hopeless and soul crushing as it could get. gives you a good glimpse of how shitty life was back in the day too.
Watch free the lighthouse trailer.
Im trying to watch this movie but it keeps saying sorry there was a problem licensing this video. is this no longer available ? if its not can i change the rent 2 something else.

This was a film that had been on my radar for some time as I was a big fan of Robert Eggers first film, The Witch. With the news of the two actors that were casted to star in this one, which peaked my interest even more. I heard a few things about it, including an interview of Eggers himself that was the clincher to change my plans to go that night. It also was a bonus watch in a horror movie challenge that I'm trying to complete before October ends. The synopsis here is the hypnotic and hallucinatory tale of two lighthouse keepers on a remote and mysterious New England island in the 1890s.

We start this seeing the island in question. There's a ship that is going out to it and it is bringing Thomas Wake (Willem Dafoe) and Ephraim Winslow (Robert Pattinson. They're taking over as the two keepers for the next month. Thomas will be the one to actually man the light at night while Ephraim will take care of the rest of the duties which are upkeep of the machinery and keeping the quarters in working order.

There's actually a pretty tense scene to start us off at their first dinner. Thomas pours a drink for Ephraim and wants to do a toast. He points out in the manual that they're not supposed to drink and pours it out. Thomas in turn tells him it is bad luck to not finish a toast. Ephraim gets water and it tastes horrible.

The two men take on an uneasy friendship, which is required as they're the only two people on this island. Ephraim starts to see weird things though. He sees a Mermaid (Valeriia Karaman) but wakes up in his bed. That opening day he found a statue of one as well. He thinks that he sees things in the room with the light while Thomas is up there and we get flashes of creepy images as well. He also isn't the biggest fan of the seagulls on the island. As things go on though, we learn that these men aren't as they seem and what we are seeing might not be what is actually happening as they descend into madness in their isolation.

Now I wanted to go a little bit vague for that recap for a couple different reasons. The first being that there's not a lot that actually goes on in the film. We see things that happen, but as it goes we learn the truth of what we saw and who these two really are. On top of that, I want you to experience it as well.

With that out of the way, I love the concept that we have set up here. One of my favorite troupes is the descent into madness. I personally deal with a lot of anxiety, so seeing mental illness when displayed properly in film is something that I enjoy. I think that the Eggers brothers did some really good writing here and presenting that to us. This story is really told from one of the point of views and it's the other one that is pointing out what he is experiencing. I really dug that, as it really made me consider what I see around me in my own life.

This film is actually really hard to talk about it as it is a mash up of so many things. I normally think that can actually be a detriment to a film, but here it oddly works. I actually heard this concept before seeing it and it makes complete sense afterwards. If they want to take this into a Lovecraftian way, they most definitely set it up. There's comedy here as we get these two guys living together and being forced together, which is kind of like having a roommate. There are also some mariner superstitions here that made me worried if some of these bad things that are happening stem from that as well.

I want to shift gears to talk about the pacing of this film. It comes in at a runtime of 109 minutes, so just under two hours. I'd say that at the halfway point of that is when they start celebrating that they're almost off the island, but that's where it gets crazy. We really get to know the characters during that time, or at least we think we do. Even though we don't necessarily always know what is going on and what to believe, I think it takes us on a journey to figure that out. The ending was quite interesting as well and I did like it, even if I don't necessarily completely understand it. It is definitely ambiguous.

The best part of this is actually the performances. Dafoe plays a man that comes off as a ship captain that is from the New England area. To use a pun, he wants to run a tight ship and makes Ephraim do all of the grunt work. This makes him seem mean, but I think that is in order to maintain order. Pattinson on the other side though is a lumberjack from I'm assuming the northern Midwest. He really portrays this role really well and the more we learn about him, the crazier it gets though. Karaman also is solid in the small role she has. She plays a mermaid that is more like mythology as a creature, but she is still quite attractive and we get to see her topless as well.

That will take me to the effects of this one, which to be honest there's not a lot. It isn't that type of film though. I do think that the mermaid effects were done practically for the most part. I do know there's a scene with CGI, but we see it at a distance and that works. We also get to see something like octopus tentacles that are CGI. We don't linger on it, so we really don't get to break it apart too much. I will say that how this is shot is amazing. We get a weird aspect ratio, which from the interview wasn't used long in the past, but it was popular at the time of the likes of Fritz Lang. There's time where I noticed and it just makes things feel off, but there's times when in darkness you forget and it's almost overbearing. I thought it really added something for sure.

This moves to me to the soundtrack and the final thing to go over. There's a recurring foghorn that partially drives Ephraim crazy. I know a couple times it made me jump with how loud it is. It does fall back into almost being a recurring background noise that is eerie at times. The rest of the score is subtle, but I did feel it building dread within me. I think that fits what they were going for and I was on board.

Now with that said, this film is definitely hard to classify. We really have a buddy story of these two guys who are isolated on an island with a lighthouse. Thomas is out to exert his dominance and Ephraim just wants to work his time and get paid. There are secrets that are hidden and the isolation drives them mad. It does become kind of a fever dream where you don't know what is real and what's not, which I dig. The acting is amazing from our two leads for sure. I like the effects that we get as well as how it was filled. It is out of the ordinary and since this whole film is like that, it works. The soundtrack has some good sounds and I think the rest of it fits for what the film really needed. Overall I'd say this is a really good and I think I need another viewing to pick up anything I may have missed. I would recommend this if you're into arthouse films or non-traditional horror films.

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4:23 shoutout to the interviewer praising Willem.
Ooh! I remember watching this movie. It was great.
He needs to play that Man-Bat in Robert Patterson's Batman movie.
This movie is a modern masterpiece, and will be considered a classic of the genre in the years to come. Period.
Just saw this movie, everything I hoped it would be and a little more. Dont bring the kiddos though.
No National Board of Review nominations, NO GG nominations, NO SAG nominations, and now NO Oscar nominations. My original comments about Pattinson and DaFoe in The Lighthouse have been vindicated.

Pattinson is gonna be amazing as bruce wayne.



最終更新日  May 19, 2020 12:55:34 AM
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