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いたち(医達)塾。ナルヘソサプリ 栄養管理で健康を保つ

いたち(医達)塾。ナルヘソサプリ 栄養管理で健康を保つ

いいね! --/--



1. Dietary therapy for Insulinoma
2. Kiyoshi NAGAIKE
3. Tumor of pancreas, which is one of the three major cancers of ferrets, can live their life without any difficulty using supplements correctly.
If your ferret is struggling with pancreas cancer, let*s use supplement thinking how they work inside ferret*s body, combined with veterinary treatment.
Let*s do your best not to cause attach of hypoglycaemia with us.
4. NARUHESO is supplement series for ferrets, which sells most in Japan. We studied many diseases by many ferrets, and is helpful to the improvement in QOL of many ferrets.
5. What is Insulinoma?
An insulinoma is a tumor of the pancreas derived from the beta cells which while retaining the ability to synthesize and secrete insulin is autonomous of the normal feedback mechanisms. Patients present with symptomatic hypoglycemia which is ameliorated by feeding. The diagnosis of an insulinoma is usually made biochemically with low glucose, elevated insulin, pro-insulin and C-peptide levels and confirmed by medical imaging or angiography. The definitive treatment is surgery.
Low blood level such as 50 or 60, even there are some ferrets who has less than 30, can live their life without any attack of hypoglycaemia with dietary therapy. Without using so many steroid which is given by veterinary treatment, ferrets can live their life without any attack of hypoglycaemia by dietary therapy that is theorized by metabolism theory.
If you and your ferret is struggling with insulinoma, please try it.
6. $89.00 for 1month(mailing cost included)
Payment can be done by credit card(prepaid)
7. If it does not work using dosage that we give, you can make an arrangement of the dosage. If the dosage is good for the ferret, attack of hypoglycaemia can be controlled. For arrangement, there need to be know-hows and skills that we can help you.
8. Materials
9. agaricus, anise, ginkgo tree, cow, barley, seaweed, oyster, pollen, chitin-chitosan, mulberry, germanium, koji, ore, sesame, wheat, shark, sage, sea bream, soybean, tea, pseudoginseng, cordyceps sinensis, corn, eucommia ulmoides tea, rice bran, noni, embryo, pineapple, basil, pigeon wheat, beer yeast, blueberry, maca, yucca, citrus junos, lactose, apple, reishi, etc.
10. (In random order)
11. It is given special process, extraction of an ingredient, cutting of polymerization, etc for it can effect to ferret with little dosage.
This supplement is compilation of our more than 10 years research about ferret.
This supplement is based on Dr. Yukio NIWA*s(famous for SOD ) SOD food for pets. These bases are already patent around the world. Our supplement is a combination of these bases that are effective for ferrets.
12. SOD like food・International Process Patent
Product Development, Analysis and Approval / Niwa Immunity Research Institute
13. Conutry
14. Patent number
15. Japan
16. 2125887, 1366268, 176865
17. US
18. 100166
19. England
20. 2195889
21. Italy
22. 1211804
23. Spain
24. 8702735
25. Switzerland
26. 674617□2
27. Belgium
28. 1000842A3
29. Australia
30. 596701
31. South Korean
32. 38660
33. Taiwan
34. 30766
35. France, Germany, Canada, Austria, China, Sweden, Norway, etc.
36. How to give
37. For ferret of weight=1kg, glucose lever (at hunger time)=70mg/dl
5 large serving of muddler spoon(1.5cc)/day
38. For ferret of glucose level (at hunger time)=40mg/dl
2.6 large serving of muddler spoon(8cc)/day
Please give adjusting by yourself.
39. World Package is different from Japanese Package, and is made easier to give. For Japanese Package, it is divided to 4 products. (2007/3)
40. It is effective to give several times a day. It is effective to give more at night time. Let*s control not to cause attack of hypoglycaemia. If you can not do well, there are some skills and know-hows of how to give and how much to give, please make a contact.
41. Consultations are provided for 1 month free after order. At normal time, consultation is provided \3000 for 30min. We recommend continuous order.
42. We are looking for adviser of NARUHESO dietary therapy. If you want to be an distributor, it is possible for companies and individuals who are willing to study with us.

43. [Hypoglycaemia caused by tumor of pancreas]
44. (Insulinoma)
Insulinoma is caused by tumor of pancreas where it provide insulin, and it provide more insulin than enough. Originally, need of insulin hormone is little bit, too many insulin makes sugar in blood absorbed much faster in a cell. That makes sugar in blood lower and exhaust of energy. Since there are no energy left in blood, other area of the body get exhaust of energy also. This is how attack of hypoglycaemia is caused.

Common symptoms of hypoglycaemia is *slobber, stagger (only of feet or all of the body), hollow in the eyes*. From the first stage of this disease, there seem to be no symptom and seems to be normal. Short time attack can be occurred, but since this attack is occurred in very short time, we might overlook it. If you find your ferret with these symptoms written above, see veterinarian. Before you go to veterinary clinic, make a call and consult with veterinarian, and make a reservation of blood test. For exactness of the blood test and to see if your ferret has hypoglycaemia or not, your ferret must be abstain from food from the morning and empty ferret*s stomach. After feeding, glucose level goes up and it cause blood test uncertain. Let*s lesson to what your veterinarian says.
45. However, since hypoglycaemia may make a very bad situation, you might take a blood test without making your ferret*s stomach empty first time, and then take another test with your ferret*s stomach empty next time. Anyway, let*s make a phone call and talk to your veterinarian.
46. [Diagnosis]
It is common to figure out by blood test to see the glucose level with your ferret*s stomach empty. Although tumor of pancreas is very small and is not able to see, veterinarian might take a picture of echography and x-ray, to see whether it spread to liver or spleen.
More over, cause of hypoglycaemia is not only caused by insulinoma, we advise you to examine all of your ferret*s body. Normal ferret*s GLU is 90~100. If GLU is less than 70, your ferret has tendency of hypoglycaemia. If GLU is less than 60, there might by tumor in pancreas of your ferret. If GLU is nearly 40, there might be a danger of life. We heard from many veterinarian says, this indicator can be changed according to your ferret*s situation, so this is only a indication.
[What is Insulin?]
Insulin is a hormone which makes sugar, which is an energy, to be absorbed by cells. This *energy* goes around the body through blood. When insulin is made, minerals such as chrome and zinc and vitamins are used. More insulin is made, more minerals and vitamins are used, and this is thought to be a reason of why the trouble of adrenal gland is caused with insulinoma.

[Emergency treatment of an attack]
Let your ferret drink 1~2ml of gym-syrup or strong sugared water (saturated sugar solution). If your ferret has no power to drink, spread it to his gums or tongue. To make strong sugared water, put sugar in the water until saturation, and use the water above. If your ferret lost consciousness, it is danger to make him drink because it might cause choke. When giving your ferret sugar water, be careful not to let the water go into his trachea. It is useful to spread sugar water to his gums. After giving your ferret sugar water, let him lie down with his stomach upside, and head up, so that the airway can be kept. For time of emergency, this might work, but after the attack has passed, please go and see the veterinarian. It is more safety to learn from veterinarian how to treat at the emergency attack.
47. [Medical treatment]
48. In general, to keep glucose level, we use steroid. Surgical treatment may be done also, however, it is said that pancreas is a organ which can not be touched, otherwise we get into serious trouble. Using steroid for long period of time, it becomes ineffective, so you need to use supplements in parallel. Using natural steroid alike supplement is effective to reduce the dosage of steroid.


最終更新日  2010.06.28 00:06:41
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