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Which Players Should Get Paid?

There will likely be different paid roles in the future of gaming. Content creator streamers/influencers, game developers/mod creators and esports players have already been paid in the traditional gaming industry but web3 gaming might enable them to get paid more and in a more transparent way.

But more importantly, the new breed of paid participants itself will also be divided into 2 main categories; blue-collar paid players and white-collar paid players. Blue-collar players are those that grind to level up a character or earn items — e.g. Axie scholars.
しかし、もっと重要なことは、新しいタイプの有料参加者自体も2つの主要なカテゴリに分けられることです。ブルーカラーの有料プレーヤーとホワイトカラーの有料プレーヤー。ブルーカラーのプレイヤーとは、キャラクターをレベルアップしたり、アイテムを獲得したりするために肉体労働者のことで、例: アクシー奨学生。

White-collar paid players can potentially add value to a game and can validate the hypothesis that paying players will result in larger and more sustainable franchise value created for games. The main role of white-collar players would be providing necessary (and natural-feeling) social interactions to make other players spend more time and money within the game.
ホワイトカラーの支払われたプレーヤーが潜在的にゲームに値上がることができて、そしてより大きホワイトカラーの有料プレイヤーはゲームに価値を付加する可能性があり、プレイヤーにお金を払うことによってゲームに生み出されるフランチャイズの価値がより大きく、より持続可能なものになるという仮説を検証できます。ホワイトカラー プレイヤーの主な役割は、他のプレイヤーがゲーム内でより多くの時間とお金を費やせるように、必要な (そして自然な感じの) 社会的交流を提供することです。

Twitch is the most popular video game streaming platform but “Just Chatting” is consistently the most popular category, bypassing billion-dollar gaming franchises. Social is the strongest retention source and is ultimately the main driver of 10yr+ gamer retention curves. (h/t Igor Bazhanov)
Twitch は最も人気のあるビデオ ゲーム ストリーミング プラットフォームですが、数十億ドル規模のゲーム フランチャイズを無視して、「Just Chatting」が常に最も人気のあるカテゴリです。社会的交流は最も強力な保持源であり、最終的には 10 年以上のゲーマー保持曲線の主な推進力となります。 (h/t イーゴリ・バザノフ)

It is likely that jobs requiring social skills won’t be replaced by robots in the near future — we probably won’t need drivers, cashiers, waitresses, real estate agents, pharmacists but we will still need caregivers, psychologists, etc. AI will help guide pattern recognition and more tailored guidance for these service providers but humans will still desire social interaction.
社交技術を必要とする仕事が近い将来ロボットによって置き換えられることはなさそうです 我々はおそらくドライバー、レジ係り、ウエートレス、不動産業者、薬剤師を必要としなくなるでしょうが、我々はまだ介護者、心理学者などを必要とするでしょう。 AIは、これらのサービスプロバイダがパターン認識といっそう特別仕立ての指針を指導するのに役立つでしょうが、人々はまだ社会的交流を願望するでしょう。

A16z-backed EPal is a great example representing the future of gaming white-collar players. EPal provides a platform where players can pay other players to play games together — EPal calls it teammates on demand!

Disclosure: EPal was a previous client of Vader Research.
開示: EPal はベイダーリサーチの以前の顧客でした。

Through the VIP night club example, our main aim was not to recommend games to target male players by using female players as baits, the idea behind this article is to optimize the allocation of financial incentives in the hands of the right players to maximize game franchise value.

4X strategy games is a genre where the average whale spend is substantial — players mostly spend because they want to feel powerful, dominant and socially connected. The whales might share a guild with non-whale players where non-whale players are dependent and appreciative of the whale. This social dependency of existing guild members and rivalry between multiple guilds are some factors that make the whale spend more. If there were more of those social interaction resources, would there be more whales, or higher average whale spend?

Metacast podcast host Nico Vereecke gave an example of how he got satisfied when he heard the scream of a player he virtually killed while playing a shooter game. If more of the virtually killed players screamed, would Nico spend more time and money within the game?
MetacastポッドキャストのホストであるNico Vereecke氏は、シューティングゲームのプレイ中に仮想的に殺したプレイヤーの悲鳴を聞いたとき、どのように満足したかの例を挙げました。仮想的に殺されたプレイヤーがもっと悲鳴を上げたら、ニコはゲーム内でより多くの時間とお金を費やすでしょうか?

A close friend plays Clash Royale regularly and every time she loses a game if the opponent sends a sarcastic emote, she gets frustrated and immediately wants to replay — which increases the average time she spends per session. What if more opponents sent emotes? Would she spend more time and money within the game?
親しい友人はクラッシュ・ロワイヤルを定期的にプレイしており、対戦相手が皮肉な大げさな振る舞いを送ってきた場合にゲームに負けるたびに、イライラしてすぐにリプレイしたくなり、セッションあたりの平均滞在時間が長くなります。より多くの対戦相手がスタンプを送ったらどうなるでしょうか? 彼女はゲームにもっと時間とお金を費やすでしょうか?

In short, those who should be getting paid either should be the ones that add value to the ecosystem by increasing other players’ retention/monetization so they can numerically justify for what they are getting paid or they should be the ones that will end up spending more than they got paid.

Not all games will have an emphasis on social and in some cases, rewarding competitive players might have a higher ROI impact than rewarding social players. There is no one size fits all rule. This article was written to inspire game developers on how to allocate their limited incentives/resources in a blockchain-fueled open economy ecosystem.


None of this is financial advice. If you want to learn more about Web3 Gaming, follow Vader Research on Twitter and Spotify. If you want Vader Research to consult with your team on tokenomics, economy management and investment management, please reach out on Twitter.
これはどれも金融アドバイスではありません。Web3 ゲーミングについてもっと知りたい方は、TwitterSpotifyでヴェーダ―リサーチをフォローしてください。トークノミクス、経済管理、投資管理について、ヴェーダ―リサーチにあなたのチームと相談してもらいたい場合は、Twitterでご連絡ください。




Last updated  2023.12.11 09:38:23
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