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I have been talking to the men in my life about their reaction to the pregnancy announcements of their life. They have been positive and light hearted. I am looking for more stories both positive and negative. I have a character  who has just received the news from the woman he professes to love. It was unexpected but the female character is elated.

I want ideas on reactions other than the traditional troupes.

Other than walking out and possible  violence because he isn't ready/and being overly emotional what else can have him do? All suggestions are welcome.
Replay #1:
It depends how his relationship is with her and what they've had talked about pregnancy while getting closer. One scenario I know is that Man didn't want a child, but he was definitely in love with the woman. Though there relationship was not that good at the moment and also the woman was a lot dominant. So as he learned about the pregnancy, though inside was not ready, he stayed calm and normal and listen her with a happy smile. Then he took her for lab test. And on confirmation he just said, "I am with you. Whatever you decide I will take it. and I am really happy for this moment."
To add a point they both have earlier decided to not have a kid any sooner.
Replay #2:
He could worry - he might carry. rare gene that means the baby is likely to be deformed, premature, short lived etc- so when does he spoil the woman's enjoyment about being pregnant? Maybe he is ready to deploy and is conflicted.
Replay #3:
How he reacts depends how he feels about it. In your story she is elated. Does he even want kids at all? Maybe he does, but has a moment where he feels the loss of the life he has rather than the excitement he thought he’d feel. Or maybe he doesn’t want kids but loves her so much that he feels happy for her anyway. Mixed emotions are common. Becoming a parent is not a small life change. Some people feel overwhelmed by the responsibility. Others are numb or in a state of shock for a while — it doesn’t feel real. I also know several people who did not want kids (but had them anyway) and became fully committed parents who lived for their kids (in fact, this was one of the reasons they didn’t want kids: they were afraid of loving someone that much).
Replay #4:
It depends on his past. Did he grow up with a lot of younger siblings and cousins or is he a complete noob when it comes to taking care of children? Has he wanted to be a father? Is he in a good position financially?
Replay #5:
Have never been in that situation but have experience the 'I'm late' or 'I think I forgot my pill'... don't have kids now and definately wasn't ready for them back then. My reactions were mostly to have all my future plans running through my head and weighing them against 'options' knowing that my other half had alot of power over my future life at that point. Made me re evaluate my trust in the other person. If the pregnancy wasn't planned maybe your character would have similar re evaluation, relationship power and trust issues.
Replay #6:
If you were looking for a way for him to act out maybe he burns the travel books he had collected for the trip of a lifetime, drinks the bottle of whisky he was keeping to celebrate the relocation and promotion his boss has been dangling, goes out for one last solo camping trip knowing he will have to give it up... etc
Replay #7:
I have read that often men can cheat on their significant pregnant other. They cheat either physically or emotionally trying to escape the pressures of fatherhood and life.

Your character can be tempted to cheat on pregnant girl friend, but maybe doesn’t do it physically- he can like emotionally connect to someone and get close then realize his baby mama is truly who he loves and growing their family is the correct choice for him- it would be the realization that he is evolving into the next phase of his life.
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最終更新日  2022.06.27 22:45:51
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