ミーチャさん、その2です。その1はコチラ■*概要*先日、supimaでお友達になった「ミーチャヒーリング」のミーチャさんが、オーラを観えるようになりたいというので、即席オーラ講師をすることになったb(-▽-;マジです)。ワシのオーラ講師のあとに、出血大サービス?で石にパワーいれてもろたんだけど、彼の頭のてっぺんに細長い柱が一本立って、ソレが次々にふえた。おもしろい(*・ω・*)。目の錯覚かとおもいながら観えた内容をミーチャさんに話すと、生まれつきオーラが観えるヒトも同じ映像をみていたと、体験例を印刷した紙をみせてもらった。ヒーリング中は「深いところ」に潜っているらしく、引き込まれる。しかも速い。すごいねえ、どーいう瞑想をいつもしてるの?ときくと、伝授瞑想だとか(^_^;あるのかそーいうのが)。んで、リコネクティヴヒーリングを受けた感想をきかれたので、感覚オバケなワタシなりの感想をつたえた。■ミーチャさんのエネルギーは暖かみがあり、目をとじてると、背景が灰色のザラフニャのなか、ポコポコ 変化する幾何学模様。■ピラミッドのような△が、飛び出たりひっこんだりくりかえした。■手足がおどりだす方もいたというので期待してたが、指や首がピクと1~2回跳ねただけだった。■左半身に「圧力」がかかったように、頭のてっぺんから足先にむけての圧迫感が始終あった。■ほかには、第一チャクラと第4チャクラに温感。ワタシャ身体がレンコン(穴)だから、脇からボウボウ、ミーチャさんがエネルギーをかけた先から「エネルギーのダダモレ」。なかなか身体全身にエネルギー循環せんので、エネルギーがとおりやすいようにチョロと姿勢をかえて、右側にも流して自分で調整(-▽-;ナニやってる)。■あとは指先からエネルギー放出してるらしく、ピリピリこまかな振動とピクリと痙攣。*これらを伝えると、ミーチャさんは「オモシロイネ。見えないからお客さんの感想聞くね。」とのこと。日本語よめないから覚えるネ、と。うーむ、大変だ。観えたらラクだろね。その3につづく(*・ω・*)b。.:*・゜・*:.。.ミ ☆.:*。.:*・゜・*:.。.ミ ☆.:*翻訳↓It is [mi-cha], and the 2. *Outline*b that [mi-cha] of "[Mi-chahi-ringu]" made friends will be the aura lecturer of the improvisation ..[naritai] in seeing [eruyou] the aura.. in supima the other day (It is -*-; Maji). Sole has increased one after another as one green, long and slender pillar stands in [teppen] of his head though power was put in the stone by the large service after my course of the aura. It is interesting (*・ω・*). When the content of seeing [eta] was spoken to [mi-cha] while thinking the trick of the eyesight, paper by which the aura had naturally printed the experience example when seeing [eru] also saw the same image was shown. The spirit in healing seems to dive in "Deep point", and I am drawn in together. Moreover, it is fast. Does it retreat and does [-] always do the said meditation terrible?It is mission meditation (^_^;It is or this : though it doesn't know) when effective. And, the impression that received [rikonekutei;vuhi-ringu] was told and [mi-cha] was told the impression of sense ghost =(It seems to be sensitive) my own way because it was effective. - When there was warmth, and eyes were shut, [mi-cha]'s energy saw backing of the gray with the background of the feeling of quality of a rough [zarazaratoshita] feeling. And, it geometrical patterns to changing [pokopoko]. - Triangular * like the pyramid flew out and withdrawing [dariwo] was repeated. - The finger and the neck only splashed [piku] and 1-two times though it expected because there were hands and feet's beginning to dance. - There was always "Sense of oppression" that was able to be peeled off from the head → foot ahead as "Pressure" had hung to the left side of the body. - There is a thermal sensing ..the first cakra and the fourth cakra... Because the lotus root (hole) becomes empty, the body discharges [boubou] sideward into me. There was "Leakage of energy" since the destination of [mi-cha]'s putting energy. Because energy doesn't circulate to the whole body of the body easily, posture is changed for myself as breathing in like energy, it throws into the right side, and it has adjusted it (-*-; What is done). - The tip of a finger..energy..discharge..smart..detailed..vibration..go into convulsions.When these senses are told, [mi-cha] :. 「It is interesting. Guest's impression is heard because it doesn't see it. 」being saidIt was said that it would be remembered to have heard it because Japanese was not able to read. ..peel.. , is ..floatage.. [-] serious. It might be seeing [etara] Raku. It continues to the three (*・ω・*) b.